New Class Coming To LOTRO



During the Take The Hobbits To Insengard event on Bullroarer a bomb was dropped.

Aaron Campbell Executive Producer announced that LOTRO will be getting a new Freep Class later in the year..

He dropped a few hints

he had a conversation with Tolkien Enterprises and it’s within the lore of the trilogy.  He also said that it was mentioned in the books several times.

And that is all we know at this time.


We will be sure to get your more information when we have it!

So, what do you think this class will be?



33 thoughts on “New Class Coming To LOTRO”

  1. Will definitely be interesting to see which class it will be and which races will have it available. Although I won’t be speculating the class, I’m sure the elves and human will be the race to go along with the new class

    1. I predicted Beornings or Druidain on several podcast comments last year( and that a new class would be the ‘surprise’! Ok, I’m a little smug on this one! Both would be cool but a tribal mystic wild man that is a cross between an rk and a ‘monkish’ champion would be awesome sauce!!! It’s the right part of the epic to introduce them too!

  2. I’m hedging my bets on Gondorian Ranger or Gondorian scout: similar to Faramir. Hunter-type character with heals.

    1. I think this as well. Hunter was based more on those wanting to play an expert archer Elf such as Legolas.

      I think the possibility of a dedicated Ranger class opens the possibility of a Hunter type but a bit more soloable with higher melee damage, since the Rangers in the books (Grey Company specifically) were said to use swords, bows and (one of the reasons I play my scoutish character under the Champion class) spears. Yes. The Grey Company were more than archers and were referred to by Theoden as “knights”, which leads me to believe that Tolkien didn’t have them portrayed only as skilled ranged fighters but could also wreck ass up close and personal.

  3. Mercenaries or Rangers
    How about a non-specific class? They have a few skills in just about everything. They are proficient with just about everything. However what skills they can use are determined by the armor they use at the time. And they arn’t the best for fulfilling a specific role within a fellowship. Good for solo play or just filling in the cracks.

    Really I just want to see the hunter class and guardian class crossed. Which is kinda what the warden class is I guess…

    Maybe the new class is a kind of hybrid of two other classes…like captain and lore-master or something. I’ll stop rant
    ing now…

  4. The ultimate class for LOTRO would be a Hobbit Thain (Hobbit Captain). It was already in discussion but now it is the best time to complete the best race in LOTRO ever. Please vote for Hobbit Thain!!!

  5. It would be interesting to have things like Beornings, Entings, Druadain, Oathbreakers, but hard to see how they can fit into the leveling scheme.

    None of them should really be found running around the starter zones. All the areas they ought to be found in would be 50+.

    Cone to think of it, I suppose there’s no absolute reason Turbine couldn’t offer a premium class that starts out at level 50. Probably unlikely though.

  6. Ranger is possible.
    Beornian are not present in the three books so i don’t think that. A cool class can be the shaman (Druedain, not mentioned either) or a mix Druedain + shapeshifter 🙂 but they prefer an unknown class like RK. coooool.

  7. It’s Shaman. Everyone loves shamans and they are mentioned in the books multi-times. Too many hints made this easy to realize.

    1. Shaman? It would be fourth wizard-like class. How original…

      Drúedain and Beornings are races, so shouldn’t be a class. Entings too. And Oathbreakers are also hardly a class.

      Ranger seems to me best guess, but how to make it different from Hunter? Hmmm, maybe making it a Hunter without some ranged skills but with better mellee skills plus some burgler skills (sneak, some tricks) and maybe a pinch of lore master pet skills (dog).

      1. And such dogs could be a few types:
        tank – obvious
        predator – one very powerful attack but rare, smth like heart seaker
        sniffer – with search skills
        distractor – which do not cause damage, but debuffs enemy (slowing down movement or attacks, or lowering enemy dmg or his mitigations)

  8. I bet it’s a Dunlending shaman or an Easterling knife-thrower (i really would LOVE this)
    Since they said its mentioned in the books a lot of time, it appear to me it’ll not be something that is common at lotr history, so i doubt it will be a Gondorian. Beorning is not mentioned in the lotr books, so i doubt it too.

    1. While searching for Shamen references in LOTR I came across MERP..oh I remember this appearing and splitting my school day RPG D&D gaming group up…the MERP wiki was quite in depth about classes…under Preist: ‘Most famous priests in Middle-Earth are the King of Númenór, who was the High-priest of Illuvatar at the númenórean sanctuary of Meneltarma and his sucessors, the Kings of Arnor and Gondor (with it´s sanctuary, the white Tree) and Sauron, the High-priest of Melkor.
      There are also priests among the Idol-worshipping peoples of the East and South and the Sauronites, the worshippers of Sauron, his Sorcerers.Also many Wise, Witches and Necromancers certainly were priests among their tribes.’

      What about Preists: Shamen line, Illusionist Line and Shapeshifter line
      THREE for the price of ONE
      I realize that illusionist/wize men are wizards by the back door! Well where would Gandalf to be come from in Middle Earth…
      MERP WIKI on classes:

  9. Here’s a idea for the skill tree make one DPS(eagle) red /tanking(bear)blue/supportive healing or damdge buffing (bog guardian for hearing and/or wolf)
    Make the guy/class build up of like a champ or a warden to transform and build up to a power attack like 1 pip 3 pip 8 pip example then transform back to normal form and start over or something of that nature *pure opinion*

  10. I think it would be cool to have a soldier class. Not a leader: like a captain, not a champion of the men:like a champion, just a gondorian foot soldier. They would become stronger every time another one of the same class joined the fellowship. They wouldn’t have heals or absorbing abilities, because they are not guardians. They don’t guard, they don’t hunt, they don’t lead, they are not made to be solo, they are made to fight as a unit with people of alike class: as a soldier, and as an army.

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