Update 13 Beta Patch Notes Released

Today, to coincide with the opening of the Bullroarer beta testing of LOTRO’s next major update, Turbine posted release notes for our enjoyment and perusal. Please keep in mind that all items are subject to change prior to live deployment of update 13.

Major items of note:

  • Two new areas: The Entwood and Flooded Isengard
  • Inventory revamp: Bags can be re-sized by dragging them, additional bag space can be purchased, and inventory spaces can be dragged from one bag to another, among other changes.
  • Region revaps: As promised, revamps for the North Downs, Trollshaws and Misty Mountains
  • Ettenmoors access: Free to Play and Premium players can now purchase a “Moors pass” using mithril coins in order to play PvMP with their freeps. Freeps can access the ‘Moors starting at level 20 and will be auto-leveled to 95 in order to play.
  • Resource Instances: New resources instances (level 95) have been added
  • Mail: Mail cannot be sent to you by players in your ignore list, 10 attachments (including stacks) can be included in a single mail message, and VIP players will no longer need to visit a mailbox to open their mail.
  • Housing: Cost of additional storage has been reduced
  • Kinships: Kins are no longer disbanded for not having enough members
  • Crafting: Added a button to disable item inscription – which would cause crafting to halt whenever an item critted and required a name

There are several other improvements and class enhancements mentioned in the notes. Please take a look at the patch notes themselves for additional info.

Braxwolf Stormchaser

7 thoughts on “Update 13 Beta Patch Notes Released”

  1. Housing storage costs: What are the new costs? Hopefully a substantial reduction.
    Up to 10 items in mail…GREAT! (New storage option…?)
    Crafting Inscription Name: ignore good, set a default name would be cool as well…

    Looking good…now to see the revamped areas…hope they did a good job…

  2. I probably shouldn’t be as excited about multiple attachment emails… but I am. That has to be the biggest pain in the game for me. The crafting change and the lower cost of housing storage is awesome, as well as the revamped bags. I can’t wait for this update!

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