LOTRO Players News Episode 37: Nazgûl Play

On this week’s show there was not much news but we do have a great discussion about fairness in making mechanics optional and Nazgûl Play.

Bloopers video here.

Game News

LOTRO Character Transfers Now Automated

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LOTRO Players News

Hobbit Run Guidelines

CSTM Featured on Beyond Bossfights

LOTRO Video Highlights: Friend of Bears

LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 5: Dying at Fornost

LOTRO Academy: 90 – Quest Pack Review: Forochel

Brax’s pick of the week: Epic Battles – Three Months On by Roger Edwards

Question of the Week

Are session plays a viable storytelling mechanic?

Is it right to make them optional but not other mechanics?(Skirmishes, Epic Battles)


A big thanks to Karvett for their $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players!

“Hail and well met friends!

This is Karvett Logsplitter (known in “real life” as Eric) from the Lotro Players Adventures.  I’m a firm believer in showing appreciation where it is due… esp with my wallet when I can.  So in thanks to the many hours I’ve spent in LOTRO, reading Lotro Players articles, listening to podcasts, and ESPECIALLY grouping/tanking/goofing about in Lotro Players Adventure’s series… here is a $10 donation.  Again… my thanks!


A big thanks to Lisa for her $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players!

“Greetings from a South African fan!

I started playing LOTRO a year ago, and have been listening to most of you (initially via CSTM and LOTRO Academy) from my early days in the game.

I want to thank you all for the very high quality of your posts, podcasts and vidcasts. You each bring a very special and unique quality to the content, and I have learned so much about the game through you. Your enthusiasm for LOTRO is also infectious!

Best wishes,


To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.



This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support on iTunes.

Featured Comments

Lilikate left a comment on episode 36 of LOTRO Players News:

“I am so glad I got to hear Ethelros speak Welsh, sadly my connection cut out, at the best moment in the entire show.

-Bar “I told you so!”.

Just to mention Sauff or Saaff is how we would say South. We do not rhyme slang, but I could for a pie or a well toasted Crumpet (or four).

I call Nazgul Play! I think it would be just as fun as a Warliphant Steed :) I want one of those!

Just imagine, first you have to amass troops at Minas Morgal, then send troops in raiding parties to Osgiliath. Then the epic moment you have to fight and win Minas Tirith, defeating all the Kings, Lords and Princes not to mention a meddling Wizard and annoying Hobbit Pippin. You do lose in the end as Frodo, Sam and Gollum destroy the One Ring.

Ethelros was this booze and Lemonade yours? Yummy.”


This week we received an email from Andrew:

“Never heard of this MMO but it appears to have got more votes than LOTRO in the MMObomb showdown for ultimate Free to play.

Can you give some info on the winner in the next LOTRO players episode?

Best Andrew”

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Andang @PvMP_Andang

Braxwolf @Braxwolf

Draculetta @Draculetta_72

Ethelros @Ethelros

Lilikate @LilikateBuggins

Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Final Thoughts

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LOTRO Players News goes LIVE every Saturday at 8:30 p.m. server time (Eastern).

Please note that clocks will move an hour ahead in the United States on Sunday March 9.

You can join us by going to lotroplayers.com/live.  Be sure to join us in the YouTube chat!

Thanks for watching!

2 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 37: Nazgûl Play”

  1. Great discussions this episode. Pineleaf, I wanted to thank you in particular for sharing your thoughts on the Mirkwood Epilogue. Previously, I had lamented the fact that the Epilogue was not solo-able, however your comments on the Epic Story being a “sampler” of the game as a whole have given me a little more perspective as to why the 6-man was left as-is. From a marketing/”selling the game” perspective, this decision makes some amount of sense now. I would still argue that it should be solo-able, but perhaps give an option for either solo or fellowship versions, like with the Retake Weathertop instance in Vol 1.

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