There aren’t too many news titbits this week, mainly relating to Rowan’s intentions for the game and himself as the new Executive Producer and the pushback of U13 on BR.
- U13 Bullroarer testing pushed back to next week
- Bullroarer added to the list of Taking The Hobbit to Isengard participating servers + schedule changes
- Plans for Rowan to release another letter around the launch of U13
- Rowan explains current development direction – Comparison of 2014 to year after SoA launch is a ‘close approximation’, involving regular landscape content updates and updates to systems, although he realises that that period is a loaded term for players – Priority is moving the story and growing the world
- He intends to do quarterly letters at least, more appearances on streams as well as on the forums. (Credit to Frickinmuck for regular transcriptions of the Hobbit streams)
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