Starlight Orchestra Invite this Saturday – 2.00pm EST



The Starlight Orchestra 3rd Rehearsal 

On the 8th March on the Methel Stage in The Shire. The Starlight Orchestra are assembling again to rehearse classical music. We would like to invite you all to come listen to our new arrangements.

We will be playing music composed by Mozart, Dvorak, Beethoven and more. We feature some home grown composers also. Lithelinea has kindly given us permission to arrange “A Princes Lament” for 24 Musicians. Dallofin (Daffin) from The Breakfast Club has also done some stunning work with the theme from A Game of Thrones.

A little bit of TSO info:

Our Orchestra is divided into four Orchestral Sections.  Section leaders have a very important role in the logistical aspect of syncing the files using the Songbook plugin.

Leader of Strings:






Brenthiel 1st Lute


Leader of Percussion:






Dallofin 1st Drum


Leader of Brass:






Krohkur 1st Horn


Leader of Winds:






Lhinnthel 1st Flute



Listen To Us Test an Arrangement:

We were short in the String Department but we still managed to test some arrangements. Here is my fraps recording (Including my very messy screen).


We are still actively searching for new members to join our roster, our rehearsal video shows us lacking Lute and Theorbo players. Please if you’d like to come play with us, go to and fill out a quick application or you can tweet me @LilikateBuggins or email me at

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Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

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