Merric and Goldenstar of CSTM Featured on Beyond Bossfights Podcast

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This past week, I had the distinct honor of being joined on my independent gaming podcast “Beyond Bossfights” by Merric and Goldenstar of Causally Strolling Through MMO’s. Many readers will probably remember them as the hosts of the long-running LOTRO focused podcast and blog “A Casual Stroll to Mordor”. Many contributors to this site got their start on CSTM, and many others (myself included) were inspired to begin contributing to the community largely because of the the influence of Goldenstar and Merric, who are probably as close as any LOTRO players have ever come to celebrity status.

True to form, M&G generously gave me an evening of their time to discuss in more detail why they needed to re-prioritize, update us on what they’ve been doing since CSTM re-branded, and how their gaming hobby has changed. I personally got a huge grin on my face whenever they began discussing (with much excitement) the things they are now able to do with “Baby Hobbit” since they are no longer obligated to spend every spare minute looking for LOTRO news. It’s easy to see how they made the right decision.

While I’m typically a bit hesitant to promote my independent projects on LOTRO Players, we feel that there are enough of the “old” CSTM community still out there to be interested in catching up with Merric and Goldenstar. Since this is the first podcast they’ve done together since CSTM, we offer it as a special treat for those of you who are longtime followers. For those who may be newer to LOTRO, it is a look into the lives of a pair of dedicated individuals who have certainly earned a little more life balance.

Beyond Bossfights 3 – Gaming/Life Balance (featuring Merric and Goldenstar)  is available via my blog, Braxwolf Stormchaser

Subscribe via iTunes or Stitcher if you’d like to hear more Beyond Bossfights

CSTMMosBraxwolf Stormchaser

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