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Small LOTRO Adventures, Episode: 10 & 11


Hullo Everybody!

Lizzy and I are back with our Vidcast Small LOTRO Adventures! Hurray!

First to delight you is a catch up on donation thanks.

With a back drop of the prancing pony Lilikate delights you all with her favourite song this week. A Song of Durin by Astleigh from the Lonely Mountain Band.

Here is a nice pair of Bree Screenshots too!

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Small LOTRO Adventures, Episode 10: Donation Mentons.

Our second video features Lizzy having a Small Adventure in The Shire.

Small LOTRO Adventures, Episode 11: Pesky Shrews.

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See you next time!

Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

3 thoughts on “Small LOTRO Adventures, Episode: 10 & 11”

  1. Great to see these backs. A lovely little tune to accompany the donations, and some fine shrew bashing by Lizzy!

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