I really enjoy the epic quests in Lotro, the stories are compelling and its just great having an over-arching storyline which continues as you level and explore new areas. However, I found it was easy to lose track of the story and to miss some of the detail as we tended to do the epic questline either along with other quests in the area or were running quickly through in order to catch up. So I wanted to set out some of the stories in a sort of graphic novel fashion (which seemed um… ‘sensible’… given my penchant for screenshots and my utter rubbishness at coming up with an original idea ;)). I’ve only written one so far (based on Volume I, Book II) and I still hope to ‘finish’ the story with the questlines which take place in Garth Agarwen. It was originally published in May 2012 on my old personal blog.
Introducing Eldaeriel, Hunter of Mirkwood:

I love this idea, and can’t wait to see more. Great job!
thank you
Oh very nice!