LOTRO Store Sales 02/28/14 – 03/06/14

Another Thursday, so that means we stroll down through the aisle of the LOTRO Store and see what we have on sale!

Free Sample Of The Week

Feb. 28th – March 6th
100% XP Boost (1hr) x1
Use Coupon Code PXP12 1/Account
Final chance to buy!
And now for the sales

Riding Traits  25% Off

estore_riding_trait_large995-2995 746-2246  Drac’s Take – If you have the TP, I would whole heartily say BUY! Everyone needs a faster mount!  Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Premium Wallet Upgrade 25% Off

995 746 Drac’s Take – Another BUY this week! Thumbs_Up (Custom)

Experience Disabler 25% Off

495 371 Drac’s Take – I personal do not have one of these for any of my charc’s at all. but if you don’t want to level to fast, or playing with a group or friend and do not want to out level them, this is a good thing, and it does not go on sale to often.  meh_red (Custom)

Rejuvenation Potions 25% Off

estore_icon_effect_mtx_potion_morale_large50-450 38-338 Drac’s Take – DO NOT BUY.. You can have scholars craft these for in game or you can eat food from a cook Thumbs_Down (Custom)
Universal Morale & Power Potions  25% Off

25-200 19-150 Drac’s Take – DO NOT BUY.. You can have scholars craft these for in game or you can eat food from a cook Thumbs_Down (Custom)

Relics and Relic Packs 25% Off

100-2475 75-1856  Drac’s Take – DO NOT BUY, Not a big fan of the LI System, but if you really want to play the random game Thumbs_Down (Custom)

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7 thoughts on “LOTRO Store Sales 02/28/14 – 03/06/14”

  1. I love the new shiny opinion buttons! If you could just space each store entry a bit more from one another, that would be even greater! 😀

    For anyone looking at getting one of the riding trait purchases from the store, make sure you get the appropriate trait desired. The one marked “Apprentice Riding Trait” (746 TP) will only upgrade apply the riding trait/68%/etc to the character buying the package. If you want the account-wide purchase (Whether it be Apprentice or Journeyman…I think the only Journeyman offered is an account-wide purchase anyways), make sure you select the one with “(Account)” tacked on the end (Apprentice is 1496 this week, Journeyman is 2246).

    The Account-wide trait purchases will apply to all current and future characters created.

    1. Thumbs up to your thumbs up icons 🙂

      May get the wallet…
      *wonders how much junk would move into it…freeing up storage…*

  2. Concerning the pots, they are not the same ones you get from a scholar or from mobs. The scholar potions have a large immediate effect while the store potions have a lower up-front effect plus additional pulses for 10 seconds. Which gives more healing overall would depend on your level, though they are comparable. The main advantage of the store potions is that they have a faster cool down.

    Of course I so rarely use the store pots that I forget I have them on the few occasions I need them. Of course, I got mine form hobbit presents – I doubt I’d ever actually buy those things.

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