It’s been a long while since we’ve heard anything from Turbine regarding upcoming content, leading to much concern from people after the recent layoffs. Finally, however, we’ve gotten an update on things, and it comes from no other than Aaron Campbell.
He talks about some of the content to come with Update 13, highlights his personal favourites and notes the names of the developers who worked on them(something I appreciate). Below are the details he let loose, which include things we already knew, things we suspected and things we had no idea about. Be sure to give them your persual:
“Update 13 (and LOTRO’s 7th Anniversary) are coming up soon (He said it! Not me!- Sapience). There is a long list of new features with U13, but I want to highlight some of the key items and the great folks that are working on them.
Epic Book: We’re going to Flooded Isengard! MadeofLions has put together an epic experience, where you finally get to experience life as an Ent.
North Downs: This is a vast and classic region. Budgeford is digging in to modernize and improve the space, much like she’s done in the past with Moria.
Fangorn Forest: Quickbeam needs your help! JWBarry has led the charge to build out new quests in Southern Fangorn, including a special friend you might earn.
In addition, mail will now support multiple attachments. VIPs will be able to open mail in the wilderness through your mail alert. Inventory is getting entirely new management options. And we have a new prototype of Hobnangians that we expect to release later this year.”
In addition, he confirms that Turbine still intends to go ahead with LOTRO for the foreseeable future, including more mentions of our eventual travels into Gondor, which is always encouraging. While I would’ve liked something more directly addressing the layoffs, this is likely as good as we’re gonna get. As of right now I am satisfied, if slightly peeved.
Finally, he gives a little explanation as to where he has been the past year or so; apparently he had stepped away from LOTRO to work on their sister MMO, Dungeons and Dragons Online. But now he’s back, and from this authors perspective, it’s great to hear from him again.
P.S. In follows up posts in the same thread, Sapience and MadeOfLions have confirmed the following:
- In an upcoming livestream Sapience will try to get the engineer behind the inventory system revamp to explain things himself
- The upcoming Epic Book for the fall of Isengard will (finally!) finish up Volume 3
- It will require completion of Book 13 to start, thus requiring purchase of the Helm’s Deep expansion
there is still hope then:)
Great stuff. Really excited.
It seems that Kate has left/moved on? Aaron got a promotion!
This is welcome news :). I think we’ve had more communication in one day from Rowan than in total from Kate… Seems that way anyway ;).
Sounds really nice and win some hope back to a future for LotRO. But one small thing… I don’t know how long Turbine promises their fans a housing update… but anyway… all in all great news.
I like this news, I would have liked the recent layoff’s addressed. I would have like to have heard how this past news impacts on LOTRO.
Ent Play! Oh yes!
Aaron just moved over. I wouldn’t consider it a promotion.
The chicken ball would be kinda fun. I just hope we don’t get flack from animal lovers… kicking a chicken around and stuff.
Finally, confirmation that Chris (of MMO Reporter) will get his long-awaited ultimate wish… Ent-play. I think you will need to have him as a special guest after release just to hear his reaction.
Very nice to hear that the layoffs are not affecting the previously planned development cycle.
Vol III finally over – it’s been…. epic.
I wonder if the new inventory system will make plug-ins like Huge Bag or AltInventory redundant. I look forward to see how it works (as long as I don’t lose any space!)
Accessing mail through the alert panel throughout the landscape as a VIP will be a nice convenience, but will we be able to send mail in the same way – and what happens when the alert panel is not there when your box is empty? Will it be like if you accidentally cancel an instance travel window and have to get re-invited to the fellowship in order to get to where you want to go?
Many, many questions… Can’t wait until March!