LOTRO Players News Episode 35: Ladies’ Night

This week we are joined by Whiteberry from Tales of Arda to talk about the news of the week.

Game News

Bounder’s Bounty Statue Completed

Whiteberry’s News Pick: Sapience wrote on the forums Wednesday regarding Kate Paiz’s ‘secret surprise’:

“No one has really hyped it or given hints. I’ve only said that I won’t spoil Kate’s surprise and I don’t believe anyone else has commented on it at all.

All hype, wild speculation, and sometimes amusing predictions, are all on you guys.

Though I admit it’s a ball watching it all.”

Store Sales

Limited Time Sale This Weekend Feb 21st – 23rd

20% off Character Slots

Free Sample Of The Week Feb. 21st – 27th

Max Morale & Power Scroll x5

Use Coupon Code BOOST3 1/Account

25 % Off Crafting

  • Ingredient Packs

  • Crafting Guild Access

  • Craft Experience Boosts

  • Rapid Crafting Boosts

  • Complete Crafting Tiers

  • Recipe Books

Also back for a limited time is the Instant Level 50 Item Gift Of The Valar 4995 tp

  • Gift of the Valar Item

  • A set of level 50 gear

  • 1 Gold piece

  • An LIXP rune, worth enough XP to bring one LI to level 10

  • 4 ranks of each virtue

  • The Riding skill

  • A Dusky Nimblefoot Goat

  • A 25-stack of food that scales with your level

  • A 25-stack of Morale and Power potions that scale with your level

  • 5 +100% XP Boosts

  • A single-use map to Rivendell

  • 25 Mithril Coins

LOTRO Players News

Expansion Quad Pack Giveaway

Community Events: Week of 2/17

LOTRO Video Highlights – Goat Riders in Disguise

LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 3

Flowers of Arda

A Middle-earth Haiku

Brax’s pick of the week: The Turbine layoffs have confused me By Ranni at “The Flaming Bard”


This week we did not have any donations but we would love your support!

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.



This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support on iTunes.

Featured Comments

Tsu left a comment on episode 34 of LOTRO Players News:

“Great word: Gobbledygook!

Another great show, the chemistry really is starting to be refleshingly refreshing!

Loot is great too! (rather than lute…! tut tut Mr. Velvet Warden… SEE BELOW)

There are always lots of criticism for lootboxes but I always enjoy opening them…you just never know!

And finally:

LOTRO players News

In da Headlights…Pineleaf froze

His highlights glimmering , his body quivering

“The highlights!” he screamed.

“My high lights!” he moaned…

As the car raced forwards…

Spotlighted and centre-stage,

Pine leaf produced a lute and started to play.

Andang, Brax, Ethelros and Draculetta all pressed down hard on the accelerator…

“Ha loot indeed, everyone loves loot!” sang Pineleaf.

Lute played properly, highlighted in the headlights, Pineleaf bows…

The car passes magically through pine leaves…

A cloud of loot floating in the air…

The car flies off down the internet highway.”


This week we received an email from Ali:

“Greetings LOTRO Players,

What can I say, it feels great to be back and get back into the game. With not much end game content to do, I am enjoying leveling my chracters very much on both Brandywine and Landroval. Its awesome to find random people in remote parts of middle earth, teaming up with them to do same quests makes the experience just amazing. Also I started playing a Spider in the moors. It is quite fun and I reached rank 5 in just a week. I love the new LOTRO Players Adventures show, Hope to join you guys one of these weeks. I havent written any new poem (about lotro) but I did write a story about my favourite character called Baginssis. he is a hobbit burglar. Its a fairly long story so I dont expect you guys to read it on the show, but you can save it for some day when there is shortage of news 😉 Also I am inclusing link to my wordpress blog, where I write about LOTRO and all other stuff:


and here is the hip hop version of my last poem, enjoy!


As always excellent podcast, keep up the good work!


Ali also included a link to a great story: http://dgenxali.wordpress.com/2014/02/19/baginssis/

Contact Us

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Follow us on Twitter!

LOTRO Players @LOTROPlayers

Andang @PvMP_Andang

Braxwolf @Braxwolf

Draculetta @Draculetta_72

Ethelros @Ethelros

Lilikate @LilikateBuggins

Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Follow our guest!

Whiteberry @toarda

Final Thoughts

Join us LIVE!

LOTRO Players Adventures goes LIVE every Saturday at 5 p.m. server time.

LOTRO Players News goes LIVE every Saturday at 8:30pm server time (Eastern).

You can join us by going to lotroplayers.com/live.  Be sure to join us in the YouTube chat!

Thanks for watching!

14 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 35: Ladies’ Night”

    1. Fascinated by the possibility of Race-day in LOTRO: Most races on 1 day…biggest race? Don’t suppose an edition of the ‘LOTRO Racing Times’ would ever make it? List of riders in Races and their ‘form’!

  1. Oh yes it’s Lotro Players and the feeling’s right
    Oh yes it’s ladies night, oh what a night, oh what a night!

    LOTRO players so cosmopolitan: Transylvania, Wales, ‘Wherever?” and presumable pine leaves from the forest! And the ladies: Roman lilies, Queensland mysteries and Danish white berries.

    I don’t want to become a poetry TROLL! So I contemplated just saying thanks for another show…

    But Ethelros stepped up and his lack of understanding encouraged me to try again…sorry if he takes a starring role in the it…no offence meant. (Had to check the Blackadder Gobbledygook…aha! Misplaced a lion!)Final Question: How do you say Lord of the Rings in Welsh?

    Up and under here we go…
    Are you ready yes or no?
    Descendent of Pontarddulais, Half Welsh me is…
    Ethelros in Wales…he is…not understanding!
    Dylan Thomas best wordsmith, from the valleys…
    Leek in one hand, brains in other…dragon a flapping!
    ‘Mae Plaid Cymru yn addo rhoi Cymru’n Gyntaf.’
    Not a welsh speaker myself thanks to my Pa…
    ‘Bore da a Nos da…chwaraewyr LOTRO…’
    Up and Under here we go,
    Another silly poem for the LOTRO Players Front Row.

    1. Very nice poem Tsu; gonna have to brush up on my pronunciation!

      FYI, ‘Lord of the Rings’ in Welsh is Arglwydd y cylchoedd.

  2. You’ll have to excuse my quiet tones on the show as I am trying not to wake the sleeping Lizzy… It was fun to be back on the show and I hope to be a semi-regular co host in future!

    1. That would be great…sauff London…mix in some rhyming slang too 🙂 I was finkin’ ya din’na sound very Italian like…

      1. I can do the slang but sauff London is not to be confused with the Cockney Accent.
        I can ask Lizzy to give you all a sample of some Italian when we record her Adventure this week. 🙂

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