Hullo LOTRO Players,
This Sunday at Noon (EST) you are invited to the Methel Stage in The Shire (Landroval) to listen to the rehearsal of The Starlight Orchestra.
We aim to become a 24 member musical group, playing classical music in a formal setting.
I stress this is not a performance we are still in the very early stages of our growth. (We may stop playing mid song, as we have many to test)
If our first rehearsal is a guide there should be something to delight all visitors. Our selection includes Mozart, Dvorak, Grieg and many more.
We would ask any listeners to sit in the chairs while we get ready, once we are on the stage I would suggest moving to the front of the stage.
Here we are playing to an audience of one!
We are looking for players to join our roster.
If you would like to become a part of this musical endeavor then visit: and submit an application.
Good luck with the rehearsal. I wish I could have made it. Next time!
March 8th 2.00pm EST?
I hope to see you then