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LOTRO Store Sales 02/21/14 – 02/27/14

Welcome to your weekly Thursday run down of the LOTRO Store Sales!!!


Limited Time Sale This Weekend Feb 21st – 23rd
20% off Character Slots
This Weeks Free Sample Of The Week Feb. 21st – 27th
Max Morale & Power Scroll x5
Use Coupon Code BOOST3 1/Account
This week is all about crafting
Ingredient Packs

25-175 19-131  25% Off
Crafting → Crafting Essentials
Drac Says – DO NOT BUY THESE.. It’s a waste of TP! Take some time and go farm for the your mats.. or look on the AH. Or ask a Kinmate!
Crafting Guild Access


295 221  25% Off
Account → Guilds
Drac Says – If you want to get to the higher levels of the guild in your profession then I would buy these, the higher the level the better the recipes are. *NOTE* THIS IS FREE TO VIP Players
Craft Experience Boosts

150-1300 113-975  25% Off
Crafting → Crafting Essentials
Drac Says – I would not buy these at all, but if have a ton of mats and want to fly through them, then I guess these would be handy to use
Rapid Crafting Boosts

150-300 113-225  25% Off
Crafting → Crafting Essentials
Drac Says – I would not buy these at all, but if you really want to cut down on some the grind of crafting tiers then by all means go for it
Complete Crafting Tiers

1450-4600 1088-3450  25% Off
Crafting → Crafting Essentials
Drac Says – I would say to skip this as well. It’s really not that hard to get through the teirs, just some grinding. That’s what an MMO is all about 🙂 but if you want to skip of the grind then go for it
Recipe Books

50-550 37-413  25% Off
Crafting → Recipes
Drac Says – DO NOT BUY! it’s not that hard to get the recipes. AH, Kinmates, GLFF, World Drops, Trade Chan. ETC.. This again is just a big waste of TP to me, but if you have a lot of the TP and need to something to spend on it then go for it..
Also back for a limited time is the Instant Level 50 Item Gift Of The Valar 4995 tp

  • Gift of the Valar Item
  • A set of level 50 gear
  • 1 Gold piece
  • An LIXP rune, worth enough XP to bring one LI to level 10
  • 4 ranks of each virtue
  • The Riding skill
  • A Dusky Nimblefoot Goat
  • A 25-stack of food that scales with your level
  • A 25-stack of Morale and Power potions that scale with your level
  • 5 +100% XP Boosts
  • A single-use map to Rivendell
  • 25 Mithril Coins

Do you like the new PvMP map?

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4 thoughts on “LOTRO Store Sales 02/21/14 – 02/27/14”

  1. Well… as much as I love crafting (all 7 guilds maxed on my main server) – Everything this week is a waste of TP unless you’re not VIP, then by all means by the craft guild access if you don’t have better things (QP, expansions) to spend them on.

      1. boldly going where none has gone before…

        Craft Guild all the way…actually done this 3 times during sales…

        the rest TP junking…happy to see Drac not beating around the bush but loudly warning us off from wasting TP.

  2. Grumble grumble…something about buying a new character slot just before the 20% comes out.
    This always happens to me!

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