It’s been a long wait, but we are finally able to look upon the finished Bounders Bounty statue in its full glory. I’ve taken the liberty of including some screenshots, and remember that interacting with it will give you a list of the quickest servers to complete the contest and the top contributors for your server!
Here we see the Hobbit workers resting from their exertions!
On the downside, and on the topic of the Bounder’s Bounty, there have been some concerns raised over the previous Turbine statement that players would be able to choose which of their characters names they wanted to be displayed on the statue. This did not come through. Sapience did respond to this concern on his Laurelin livestream with this:
When they started sorting out what was going to go on the Bounder’s Bounty plaques it was discovered there was going to be a group of 1,400+ people needing to respond with which character they wanted on the plaque, and that was going to take way too long to organize, so instead they went with the accounts that had the highest count, and which of the characters on that account contributed the most.
This Elf did not concern himself with this event, so personally he is not bothered too much about it, but I could fully understand people being upset, as more than a few players have reportedly had a rarely played character displayed on the statue over their preferred character. This again raises the question of how firmly should Turbine be held to their word, and if alterations have to be made as they so often are, whether they should try harder to make amends in some fashion with the people affected.
Thanks to Tales of Arda for the heads up!
It shows a sadly familiar lack of planning on Turbine’s part that it was unable to organize and implement the recognition it had promised to players.
Turbine had months to plan the event, months to execute and refine it, and months to clean up afterwards. It’s a little disappointing that the company would basically wipe its hands of the matter with the half-hearted excuse that after months of reflection, it would just be too much work to do what it had said.
At the very least, Turbine could have said, “We’re sorry.” But those words don’t seem to exist in its corporate lexicon.
Months to plan it and be instantly surprised at how fast the servers responded (I was happily amazed and so should they…people were going crazy playing LOTRO:)) but suddenly instead of adapting to the surge in interest they kneejerked the ability to farm bounties down to almost nothing after letting some servers finish!…
I don’t know if this was poor planning or LOTRO just managed to tap a vein of gold with this promotion…but even the rewards were farmed in huge proportions surely denting their own revenue in the future (I have still enough landscape tokens for the next few years!) But a couple of weeks into an event and TURBINE almost seem to wash it’s hands of it and the wrap up is looking equally shoddy
A real shame as I think there really should be more of these events…
such as this I suggested a long time back:
For future events like this, they could put in an option on our account page to select who our main character is – and state that it’s for stuff like this. Any account that does not have the main character chosen, then the name displayed will just be whatever Turbine decides.
If anyone wants to (make that easier to understand and) submit that idea into Turbine, feel free.
Those of us who won prizes for the Yule Rendering contest are still awaiting those prizes, 45 days after the fact.
They’re struggling guys. Given the recent turmoil at Turbine, I’m surprised they even bothered to update the statue.
I’m not sure how much the top contributors donated, but I do know that I gave enough to get the title on two characters on Landroval (5,000?), and neither of them are on the list, but I’m sure that there are players who donated a lot more. I don’t care if they are on the list, I just wanted to unlock the buff for the server and get the title. I think it would have been nice if they had just posted a list of ALL players who contributed on the server, and leave it at that. A lot less work for Turbine that way too, just copy/paste. Because if you think about it, what the event, and the statue, really represent is how passionate LOTRO Players are about the game and game world. It’s a shame Turbine takes that for granted.