Congratulations to Thorduak on winning the quad pack!
LOTRO Players is giving away one copy of the Expansion Quad Pack.
The Quad Pack includes the first four expansions to LOTRO. (Moria, Mirkwood, Isengard and Riders of Rohan)
Quad Pack Features:
Delve into the dangerous depths of Moria, and try to reclaim its dark halls from the evil burrowed within.
Over 350 quests designed to support player levels 50 – 60.
Seven full fellowship instances (Dark Delvings, Fil Gashan, Skumfil, The Sixteenth Hall, The Forges of Khazad-dum, The Grand Stair, and The Forgotten Treasury).
Two 12-person raids (Filikul and The Vile Maw).
Heal or deal damage with a Rune-keeper or use powerful attack combos and self-healing as a Warden!
Raise the rank cap on your skirmish soldier and skirmish traits to 15, allowing you to further train your soldier and increase its effectiveness in skirmishes!
Live the legend of two more heroes of Middle-earth with 2 additional character slots!Mirkwood
Join the elves of Lothlórien in war against Sauron among the ancient ruins, spider-haunted canyons, and foul bogs of Mirkwood.
150 quests designed to support player levels 60 – 65.
Three 3-person instances (Dungeons of Dol Guldur, Sword-hall of Dol Guldur, Warg-pens of Dol Guldur).
One full fellowship instance (Sammath Gul).
One 12-person raid (Barad Guldur).
Raise the rank cap on your skirmish soldier and skirmish traits to 25, allowing you to further train your soldier and increase its effectiveness in skirmishes!Isengard
Journey eastward toward the tower of Orthanc where an army of Isengard Orcs and Uruk-hai make ready for war.
Over 375 quests designed to support player levels 65 – 75.
Three 3-person instances (Fangorn’s Edge, Pits of Isengard, Dargnakh Unleashed).
One full fellowship instance (The Foundry).
One 12-person instance (The Tower of Orthanc).
One 12-person raid (Draigoch’s Lair).
Raise the rank cap on your skirmish soldier and skirmish traits to 35, allowing you to further train your soldier and increase its effectiveness in skirmishes!Rohan
Ride into Combat atop your loyal War-steed as you defend the people of Rohan from the forces of Isengard and Mordor.
Journey through hundreds of new quests designed to support players levels 75-85.
Explore landscape nearly three times as large as Moria!
Experience Mounted Combat!
Customize your War-steed’s armor and level its skills over time to aid you in mounted defense of King Théoden’s lands.
Receive an exclusive Rohirrim Mount and in-game Rohirrim title!
Witness the breaking of the Fellowship at Amon Hen; forge alliances with the Ents of Fangorn; and aid Éomer, nephew of Théoden, as he seeks to protect his homeland from the growing Shadow.
Entries will close on March 5th.
How to Enter
To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below. Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once. Each comment will be assigned a number in order. The winner will be selected with a random number generator. The winner will be contacted through the email attached to the account/comment.
Please make sure you have a valid email that you check regularly attached to the account you are commenting with. We will send an email to the winner. The winner will have a week to respond. Once they respond we will send them the expansion code and the contest will end. If the winner does not respond within a week, we will choose and contact a new winner who will also have a week to respond. This will continue to repeat until we find a winner.
All LOTRO Players past or current staff and immediate family are not eligible for this contest.
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Want to see more giveaways? We need your help! Giveaways are funded by donations to LOTRO Players. If we do not receive enough donations to cover our costs, we can’t do giveaways.
Donate to LOTRO Players here.
I haven’t played in a while but this would surely lure me back…
I would love this!
I haven’t played LOTRO for a while now as well, I now have LOTRO on Steam, I also recently purchased the Angmar Quest Pack and I want to do Carn Dum or Rift but not many people were around to do those skirmishes. I play on the Meneldor Server. I’ve also been playing a lot of Minecraft recently. My skin is actually my LOTRO character Davish Primesword, Sellsword Captain of Gondor. If I win this give away, then I’m basically set for the future of my LOTRO Experience. I’m only level 54 I think, but I’ll be leveling up soon.
Thank you!
I love lotro, animals but not people
4 packs = months of questing and raids! awesome offer!
This will bring back my wife to the game for sure!
Must win this for my wife, must win this for my wife, must…

These are great but how about Helm’s Deep as well? ;)or am I just pushing my luck? lol
Could use these nicely to recruit some friends…
I love giveaways! Fingers crossed!
It would lure me back more than that Tem guy xD
Whoa, my friend would be so happy about this!
I love this game! /fingers crossed
This can be the help I need to finally get a friend to join the game. Fingers crossed
I would love to get this, because I would give it to a friend of mine as a gift. I, personally, have all expansions.
I really really need this my precious expansions
I have a brother who needs the packs, the only way I really get to spend time with him is in game so helping him get invested in lotro long term would be awesome.
This would really help me finally get some characters to the lvl cap.
This is great
Oh, this would be great.
I have to say, I would much enjoy that
*cross fingers* come on RNG gods, pick me XD
Could certainly use this, thanks so much!
The RNG has never been good to me. Let’s see if it’s kinder here!
I regularly play lotro and definitely could use these ones
Would be a good win.
Awesome giveaway!
This would be for my daughter
Would love this
Winning this giveaway would be awesome! It would save me lots of mon-ay.
Got to love LOTRO and the tp system ; )
What a great gift! I’m at the perfect lvl to use these! I hope I win!
Omg I love this! So want!!!
Would love to win the expansion for this great game
Yes! I would love to start playing again.
Just bought Moria a few days ago but the others would be a lovely addition
im collecting 2 months alredy for the moria expansion :/ please make it easyer for me
Give me those expansion packs :). Realy nice from you guys!
Would be sweet to give this to my friend, so we could play together!
how great would it be to win this :3
This would let me wife play with me in the evenings.
I must win, I need a new MMO fix >)
im a free player since begining but alredy playing 3 years
please let it be the number 8
Pick me pick me!
Would surely bring me back!
Ohhh I’d finally be able to play this game properly :’)
This will be a lot of fun if I win
Woot, would love to be able to win this!!!
Well… They`re taking the hobbits to Isengard anyway, and we have to take care of that balrog from Moria too. I don`t really like the elves of Lothlórien from the Mirkwood, they look a bit squashy not like the Riders of Rohan…
May the grace of the Valar be in my favor…
Oh, this would be lovely to win.
Giveaways are always great!
It would be fantastic if i get this am so in need of it.
Yay giveaways!
That sure would be good
I’d love to have t his! What a great giveaway!
I will use this expansion to destroy the world of men.
How have i never saw this website before now, its awesome! Thanks for the giveaway, hope i win!! Good luck all.
I have to take my hobbits to Isengard!
never had an expansion pack before im just a poor hobbit
I cant wait!
Would love this
I like my chances!
Great giveaway, good work!
Let’s see hope this is the lucky number!
Never won anything, so let’s hope I do this time!
This is a really cool thing to see you all do
Oh this is one lovely giveaway :O Good luck everyone.
My precious!
Whoever receives it – congratulations in advance!
giveaways yummy
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hope I win! thank you for the giveway
Totally worth posting a comment. Great game and a great way to get someone into the game it back into the game.
A friend skirmed his first toon from 30-95… I think he could use this for the rest!
Me plz
Would love to see Rohan. Been out for far too long.
Great Giveaway!
For the gf!
Thanks for the giveaway. Great way to get back into the game!!
Would love to play again!
That’s very generous of you!
This is a great giveaway, but will it entice players who left after the ROR update to come back
I would love to win this and give it to my friend. I been playing LOTRO since it started. It’s the best MMO out there.
pick me! pick me! :)))
Great prize, hope to win.
An awesome prize right there! Thanks for giving us this opportunity!
I really want to win this. Its for me the best game ever. Really love it. If I would make me so damn happy !
This would he a great incentive to get my wife going in the game
Very nice prize for a contest.
Having started over as a freemium player after piggybacking on a friend’s VIP for while, this would be an incredible boon. *whispers sweet words to her digital dice*
Awesome giveaway! I hope i will win
Nice! Thanks for the opportunity to win something very cool!
Sign me up – would love to win these expansions.
You cannot imagine how happy I would be to win. Fingers crossed!
For the WIN!!
Another giveaway! You guys are the best!
We wants it . . .
Thanks to the donators and LOTROPlayers who made this possible. I’d love this, but I don’t need it as much as others. Good luck to everyone!
Wouldn’t this be loverly… Looking for a birthday gift. This would be perfect!
Great giveaway! Would love to win this, to get a friend back to playing.
I’d love to get this!
Thank you much. Great giveaway.
Mirkwood’s the only one of those I don’t already have – but would surely love to revisit those lands and explore them a bit more in depth than I did with just the epic.
Great giveaway. This would help alot.
I do not have any of these expansions, but this has not stopped me get level 58 and almost complete most of the Eregion regions. Good luck to everyone and even if we do not win this, we should buy it and support this great game!
yes please
Thank you very much for putting on this giveaway!
Thank you – all good wishes
You guys always organize nice things for the community. THANK YOU!
Oh this would be so great. Thanks for these giveaways.
this is a chance for me to get back to lotro
Would be so happy ! I just enter the Moria 2 days ago and I enjoy this game very much !
This is awesome. Thanks for this great website and the giveaway.
Would love to have this!
I’ve never quite pulled the trigger on a few of these expansions, so I’d love to have them!
Would be a great present for my kids’ account. /crossfingers
I would love this! It would help my lvl 56 Champion grow even more! -Tinudal (Dwarrowdelf)
This would be amazing to win!!!
This is a great giveaway. Would be great to win it!
fingers and toes crossed
Fantastic giveaway!
Quick question though, can each expansion be applied to a different account, or do they need to all be applied as one code to the same account?
My household has different needs for their various accounts.
Sadly it comes in just one code.
i wish i won i could have used this for alot of stuff like having a instance doing it with kazcovall
Another great giveaway! I hope I can win this one!
Would like to get this for a friend
What has it got in its pocketssss?
My wife just started a F2P account, this would be an awesome thing to win to keep her going!
Nicee! I hope my horseshoe will work now:p
Yay for giveaways!
Awesome opportunity.
I was Lookin’ for grub in all the wrong places…
Would be nice as present
This would come in very handily.
Winning this would be awesome… I might actually get out of the Shire finally!!
Want! Nuff said
My fiancé and I are just about to transition into this content, but she doesn’t have it yet! Would be perfect!
Let us ride for rohan!
Always up for free stuff. Plus more quests
So this is enough?
Lets give it a try, hope the best.
Could sure use this! Rubs his lucky coney foot.
Roll 100
I SO want this for my nephew who just started playing.
This is my day, i know it!
Let’s see if luck is going to smile upon me
Very nice giveaway, thank you for this chance
Now this would make my year!
Oh I would love to win this.
It would be awesome to win this. I’m part of a new and uprising kinship(The Midnight Raiders) that is trying to find quests to do.This would help tremendously.
Yes please.
I would truly like to win! Nice giveaway!
I’d like to win this to play with my husband. Some of the skirmishes he has I do not and we like playing everything together.
Please Please Please.. Please would love this
Would love to have the set for the fact that I love the scenery in the game that gives its touch to the game . Would love to see there be a quest to defeat the Dragon as they did in the movie
Nice giveaway. My daughter could use this so we can play together
Squee! Chances for free awesomeness!
Poor college students can maybe bribe the RNG with cookies? *eyelashes*
I would surely love this! i have always wanted the lotro quad pack!
Would love this!
Would love to win this! Thanks
This would be an incentive to play again, indeed.
I need this like Gollum needs the precious…
As if I didn’t already have enough time to play games.
Good luck to everyone!
To Mr. Random Number Generator,
I’ll make your work easy, just pick me.
Thanks for this! Somebody will be happy.
My birthday is coming up
Sure would be nice.
That sure would be a great prize to win!
I could really use that thank you for the chance
This would mean I could afford shoes for my child!
This would be great for a few of my new Kin members
Now I can finally continue with my questing
Would love to win
Good luck to all
Been a while since I last played, would be fun to see the latest stuff since I last logged in.
i woudl really like to win this since i cant pay turbine from my country
Still want to get started on the game
I hope I’ll be able to give this to a deserving kinmate, but I wish you all the best of luck.
very fun game hope to get it
I’ve just got back into the game after having played if 5 years ago when it was pay to play. Would love to have these expansions!
This would go a long way towards brining my wife into the LoTRO fold!
I really could use this, please let me win!
I’d love to have this!
it would get me back to the game
Wow I been waiting for this !!!!!!!!!!
My lord Andang, you have my axe! (and my comment, pls dont forget the coment…) o/
Hope I win this one! It’s what I need to put all my characters on lvl cap.

Awesome giveaway!!
Great giveaway!
I’m usually a bad luck guy, but hey! this could be the first!
Yay! Level my alts!
This is awesome!
Andang Brought me back to the game with his videos cant get enough of him and his fellows Its great they have such give aways like this *crosses fingers*
Yeah! I was just thinking about purchasing an expansion pack, but this is definitely better!
I realy love these giveaways. Tkanks, you are awesome! =D
Thanks for the giveway. This would be ideal.
I would like to get my best friend to start playing with this.
Thank you for the chance to win this. I love it!
“Old Tom Bombadil is a merry fellow, Bright blue his jacket is, and his boots are yellow. None have ever caught him yet, for Tom, he is the master: His songs are stronger songs, and his feet are faster.” —The Fellowship of the Ring “He is.” —Goldberry, upon being asked who Tom Bombadil is
Count me in! Thanks!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I have been trying to save up for this but my medical costs keep getting ion the way at the moment, the chance to win it is very much appreciated! Good luck everyone!
Thank you for holding the contest!
This is a wonderful idea, Please count me in!
Precious!!! Me Wants the Precious!
Poised and ready to do the happy dance!
I would like this. Thank you so much lotro players
Thank you for the chance!
Thanks for giving me a chance!
I can’t wait to get back into the game.
This would be amazing!
i love lotro hope to win
i would be happy for any who wins
Thanks for the chance to win! I could really use this!
yea buddy would love to get my hands on this
Got my fingers crossed for this
I’m in. Let’s see what happens.
Giveaway, game on.
That’d be amazing for a kinnie of mine
this would be fun to win and get back into it
I won’t win :/
sounds awesome
I’m in!
Count me in, please.
Sounds great! Count me in, such a fun game.
What a great idea!
I love the game!
Would love this for my daughter =)
Wow this would be awesome, it would be bring me back to the game i loved so much…….if i remember my password haha
This would be great!!
I’m in!
Hey. I would love to win as i cant afford the game myself since i am a full time student. Thanks
Love this!
Would be great to win
I would be really grateful if i get this.
Thank you for this giveaway
Great giveaway! Thank you for this opportunity
Awesome giveaway!
Hmm I have all including Helm’s Deep, if I win this I can give to my friend to play with me.
Thank you for the giveaway!
I would be nice to win some more content for my account
Thanks for the Giveaway!
Count me in!
Thank you very much. You are awesome!
even though it’s selected randomly, I would like to say that I would really like to win this. It would definitely get me playing more!
this would be good to win
Wooohoo love free stuff!!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks for the oppurtunity! I would definitely love to have this!
wow that would be awesome to have :DD LOTRO ftw ^^
Pretty sweet!
It’s always worth trying, even when there are 238 comments above.
Thanks for the Giveaway, please count me in!
You are still more likely to win this than the lottery by a couple thousand times:)
I love the game would be great to get my oldest boy into.
I’m a huge fan of lotro. I just returned back from a 1 year break. This would keep me in game forever lol.
Just started playing Lotro again, I’m now hitting level 50 so this would be very convenient
I bought the Mithril Edition a couple years ago, and have added a few regional quest packs. Four full expansions would be tremendous.
would love to win this to play a lot more.
I would love this for my characters
Would love to win this for my son! He absolutely loves LOTRO!
would love to win this
If I win it will be awesome
Just started to get into LOTRO after looking from afar in other online games. Still only low level, but I’m sure I’ll reach Moria and beyond soon.
YAY I want quest packs
Gimme gimme nom nom nom
I would like to win
My dwarf would be happy if I can win.
I would love to win this.
I would love this. I have problems paying for this stuff myself due to my age (16). Don’t have my own credit card.
Hey do, merry do! What a wonderful giveaway hope I win but good luck to everyone!
if i win i would greatly appreciate it ofc
and my dwarf would love it
What an awesome thing to win and give to a deserving but less fortunate member in my kinship..
Shout out to all my kinsman from Lucid Alliance on Dwarrowdelf server. You guys ROCK!
I would love a Quad pack. I just entered Moria for the first time the other day… my Hobbit Guardian will soon be ready for MOAR!!
i Want it would be perfect for my lore-master
My account would greatly appreciate this!!!
I need this!!! It would be awesome to win!!!
My lore master need this maps!!!! Oh my….. thanks for giveaway!!! Count me in!!
might bring my friend back to the game
Whooaaa, this is like sooo cooool!!! I would go crazy if I’d win this
wouldn’t say no
I need this so bad!!!!!
Nice giveaway. Well, fingers crossed.
Would love this! Thank you for this contest!
Just started playing lotro a few months ago so it would be nice to have expansions.
Hoping to share the love with all my awesome kinnies
Nice giveaway, thanks!
I need this for my brother so that we can play together!
Another giveaway? Awesome!
That would be so great!
Count me in
my cousin who has just started playing would really love this
Awesome, nice gift it is to give away.
I will smite the foes of Middle Earth for this! Plus my wife and I have matching lord of the ring wedding bands!
Fingers crossed!
I wont itttttttttt plzzzzzzzzzz
worth help me alot! then i can finaly be questing in moria and the other places
Would love this!!
A chance at a freebie? Great. Thx, guys.
This is amazing! thanks! X)
Awesome! count me in
Amazing! thanks X)
quad pack!!!!
Brewfest Brewofthecookies
This is an awesome giveaway! Great to get for a second or new account.
I’m a lucky hobbit with lucky hobbit feet, kind of like rabbit feet, but even luckier. I’ll be the talk of the Shire if I win.
—-*As her little hobbit eyes peered through the locked gates she listens to the sounds of the watcher as he sloshes through the water–she waits patiently until the gates open and her little sword can finally feel the bite of tentacle flesh*
*no one notices her fingers crossed tightly behind her back…her bare crossed toes are another matter entirely*
:)—thank you for the website and giveaway
Thank you for a great website and content. It will be great to explore further into middle earth
thank you for the website and contest
Love this website!
Pick me. Then I can bring my little hobbits with me through Isengard
This would be good to have…..been.
I could give this to my son and we could play together – it would be great. Thank you for the contest.
Here’s my entry! Thanks for this giveaway.
I like to get back in to the game and this would go down a treat
I want it, but i haven’t luck…
Awesome !
*crossing fingers*
Please be me! I’d love to win so much!!
Thank you, giveaways are FTW
I would love this
I play on f2p and i’m lvl 80…
love to win this
please let it be me:)
Became addicted to this game in no time!
Thks for the contest.
Looks like a good thing to help me level MORE ALTS!!!
You’ve my axe!
Moria… You fear to go into those mines. The dwarves delved too greedily and too deep. You know what they awoke in the darkness of Khazad-dum… shadow and flame.
*fingers crossed* I love playing lotro.
GL to all (including me!)
Thanks for the giveaway! Would be so great to win!
Thanks for bringing us all the great news each week.
That would be great to win!! My mom will LOVE it!!!!
Me and my dwarf would appreciate !
Good Luck Everyone !
Awesome ! Thanks !
Thank you for these giveaways !
Good Luck Everybody!
Would be AWESOME to win this!! Thanks for the giveaway
thank you
Thanks for this competition
It would be AWESOME to win!
thats awesome
That would be great!
Enter me in! Wish me luck.
Great giveaway! Thanks!
Need a quad pack like a 6pack of beer
Good luck.
i will make a healer!!!
Great giveaway idea!
As a f2p, I could really use these!