LOTRO Players News Episode 34: The Velvet Warden

This week we have a serious discussion about the future of LOTRO and the news of the week.

Game News

LOTRO Among The MMO Hall of Fame

More Layoffs at Turbine

Turbine Layoffs Reaction

Lootbox Weekend (Feb. 14-17)

Store Sales

Weekend Special: 15% off Mithril Coins- Feb 14th – 17th ONLY

Free Sample Of The Week: Random Relic Pack x1 (RELIC5) 1/Account- Feb 14th – 20th

Expansion Quests 20% Off  (NOTE QUESTS ONLY)

  • Rohan

  • Moria

  • Mirkwood

  • Isengard

Expansions 20% Off

  • Riders of Rohan

  • Rise of Isengard

  • Mines of Moria

Also 20 % Off

  • 100% XP Boost (1hr)

  • Enhanced XP Supply

  • Token of the Hornburg *+25% bonus experience towards monster kills when equipped.* This was the Helms Deep Pre Order Item*

LOTRO Players News

LOTRO Video Highlights: Monsters of Middle-earth

LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 2

Lilikate’s Creatures – Scary Bird

Brax’s pick of the week: The Road to Mordor: How LotRO explores what it means to be a hero by Justin Olivetti


This week we did not have any donations but we would love your support!

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.



This week we received a 5 star review from Braag:

“You asked for it you got it. Lotro Players has quickly become the defacto site for the latest and greatest happening around the game. The hosts have a wealth of experience with refreshingly different perspectives, combined with a shared love of the game and desire to build an even stronger community. Their interplay gets better each week as they develop their chemistry. All this plus the ‘dulcet tones’ of Pine Leaf, “The Velvet Warden” !

Best Regards, Braag of Vilya”

Featured Comments

Eirlog left a comment on episode 33 of LOTRO Players News:

“Wow Pineleaf! You sound just like me reading “Fox in Socks” to my kids! I think when Dr. Seuss wrote the original, and when Tsu wrote the update, they could just imagine the close calls that can ensue when one says “Fox in Socks, and Socks on…” or “Worked forking pork” too quickly.

It’s a shame I can’t get the chat window to work with my android device, then it would be easier for me to play and listen/chat at the same time

Hope to see you guys for adventures at some point – need to work my new alt up to lvl 30+ and 5pm on a Saturday is definitely depending on MrsEir and the MiniEirs. They have a habit of blowing the summoning horn at inopportune times (e.g., when healing a raid).

Keep up the excellent work!

Eirlog Musclegut of Riddermark”

Anthony also left a comment on episode 33 of LOTRO Players News:

“A limerick for Pineleaf

There once was a hobbit from South Farthing

Whose belly was so large it was alarming

Wargs ran in fear

And so did the deer

When his belly started a rumbling

Great job guys”

Lilikate left a comment on episode 33 of LOTRO Players News on YouTube:

“Great show thanks Brax, Drac, Ethelros and the other ones!”


This week we received an email from Siegfred:

“Hi guys,

I love how you deliver the news. It’s fun and very informative. I hope you guys will keep to continue this deed. More power to you guys.


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LOTRO Players @LOTROPlayers

Andang @PvMP_Andang

Braxwolf @Braxwolf

Draculetta @Draculetta_72

Ethelros @Ethelros

Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Final Thoughts

Join us LIVE!

LOTRO Players Adventures goes LIVE every Saturday at 5 p.m. server time.

LOTRO Players News goes LIVE every Saturday at 8:30pm server time (Eastern).

You can join us by going to lotroplayers.com/live.  Be sure to join us in the YouTube chat!

Thanks for watching!

3 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 34: The Velvet Warden”

  1. Great word: Gobbledygook! 🙂

    Another great show, the chemistry really is starting to be refleshingly refreshing!

    Loot is great too! (rather than lute…! tut tut Mr. Velvet Warden… SEE BELOW)
    There are always lots of criticism for lootboxes but I always enjoy opening them…you just never know!

    And finally:

    LOTRO players News
    In da Headlights…Pineleaf froze
    His highlights glimmering , his body quivering
    “The highlights!” he screamed.
    “My high lights!” he moaned…
    As the car raced forwards…
    Spotlighted and centre-stage,
    Pine leaf produced a lute and started to play.
    Andang, Brax, Ethelros and Draculetta all pressed down hard on the accelerator…
    “Ha loot indeed, everyone loves loot!” sang Pineleaf.
    Lute played properly, highlighted in the headlights, Pineleaf bows…
    The car passes magically through pine leaves…
    A cloud of loot floating in the air…
    The car flies off down the internet highway.

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