Ales & Tales: 10th Feb…

Hullo Everyone,

Here is a message from those wonderful Ales and Tales organizers!


Greetings friends!

“Please join us Monday evening, for another fun night of Ales & Tales!

We’ll be partying at The Gazebo in Staddle (Bree-land).

Nibbles & Nobs’ starts at 8:30pm with open-stage, followed by the main show at 9:30pm (EST, /servertime)”. 


This event is hosted on the Landroval server- Lilikate

You are welcome to become part of the show if you have a poem to recite, a song to share or a tale to tell. 

You can use the chat channel /alesandtales or send a /tell to the LMB members hosting the event on the night.

The LMB Members – Hosting an event near you!

Remember open stage from 8.30pm onward and Ales & Tales from 9.30!

Get there before the Dwarves drink all the beer, the Elves the wine and the Hobbits clear out all the pies 🙂

Published by

Lilikate Buggins

Lilikate Buggins from Willowbottom in the Marish loves simple pleasures, food, music, good friends, creatures and a bit of part-time Orc slaying.

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