LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 1: Origins

This week we discuss how we were introduced to LOTRO and how we joined LOTRO Players while having fun doing skirmishes.


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Final Thoughts

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6 thoughts on “LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 1: Origins”

  1. Awesome – I look forward to the shows, although I did cringe for the first 30 minutes or so until you cleared out a little room in your pending loot bag.

    Always remember, heal Pineleaf (although now that burglars apparently have the ability to heal in one of their trees, the dagger is now in the other sheath!)

  2. Looks like a heck of a lot of fun… I guess the only question is: What class should I roll up on Landroval to join you? (and of course, where can one find a cake-hat this time of year)

      1. Rolled up an Eirlog champ… he should be ready to join you in a couple of weeks. At lvl 11 after an evening.

        May roll an Eirsong mini as well – just so I have some options. You needed some heals (badly).

        Too bad marks weren’t shared over servers – a level 20 champ with a maxed out Herbie would be bad…donkey

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