Hullo Everyone,
I thought I would entertain you with a few creatures I bumped into this week. I am working on a new Lilikate’s Creatures Special. I hope to have finished for next week.
So this week I have been wandering far and wide. I like to take a peep at all the creatures wherever I wander.
This week there have been a few eye openers and foot warmers:
The Cave Claw is feeling a little lonely, now all the musicians and dancers have departed from the Silver Deep Mines area.
I played a game of “Whats the Time Mr. Wolf”….With a Turtle in Nen Harn, as you can see it was well past supper time. No I didn’t turn him into soup, too cruel!
I found this haughty looking Giant Goat – I thought his expression was rather comical.
Lizzy and I have a jolly time watching the Hill Beast scratch himself. I do think they should be officially renamed “Monkey Dwarves” !
A warm welcome for the Buggins by these not so polite Dragons. I had to port back double lively to my Hole in Nobottom to cool them in a half barrel of fresh stream water.
Glad to be back in “Decent Places” for a mug of Brown! /Drink