LOTRO Players News Episode 32: Monkey Dwarves

This week there were a lot of teases of news to come including the promise of zone revamps with Update 13.

Game News

North Downs To Get Revamp

Community Update Video 1/28

Dev Snippets

Store Sales

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LOTRO Players News

An Unexpected Vidcast Episode 30

Fellowship of the Creeps Final Show

LOTRO Video Highlights: Mines of Moria on The MMO Report

Small LOTRO Snippets

The Forsaken Son

Brax’s pick of the week:Tales of Arda Quizzes by Whiteberry


This week we did not receive any donations but would love your support.

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.



This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support!

Featured Comments

Fredelas left a comment on “North Downs To Get A Revamp”

“I think revising the Trollshaws into a more straightforward 30-40 region would have been a better business decision. It contains some of the game’s most iconic locations, but is generally not a wise first purchase for new players, compared to Evendim.

However, if Turbine could split the North Downs into two regions, it could give away the first part for free, and turn the second half into a comprehensive level 30-40 region on its own. (Anyone who had previously purchased the North Downs quest pack could retain access to this second half.)

Unfortunately, I do not expect the revisions to be this extensive. I’m excited to see what’s coming, though!”

Sullo left a comment on LOTRO Players News Episode 30

“Oh My Goodness, Andang. I laughed so hard when you did your Tom Bombadil voice. I think you should do this in every episode. :)”


Our only email this week comes from Stuart


Hope you make good use of the donation –

I have been meaning to send an email to say – Great work you guys do across all the various websites – love the you tube channels as well.

I wondered whether you take suggestions for future podcasts – I am slightly selfish in these requests – but i am sure they are topics as player we have all thought aout

1. I am in the market for a new something to play LOTRO on – not sure whether that will be a PC or Laptop. Could you schedule some time to discuss what hardware components and their specs to enjoy LOTRO on High End settings ?

2. Ettens – advice for freeps to combat the various creep classes – i have both RK 4 hunter and champ and unless i am in a group – i am just Warg Fodder – so really enjoy PvP – but can be frustrating when u cant progress – cos your just not tough enough

Keep up the good work and perhaps i will hear your thouhts soon


P.S which server are you all on and what Kin – think i might join the fun”

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Andang @PvMP_Andang

Braxwolf @Braxwolf

Draculetta @Draculetta_72

Ethelros @Ethelros

Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Final Thoughts

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Thanks for watching!

5 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 32: Monkey Dwarves”

  1. I’m thinking maybe Forochel will get a revamp. I just noticed a new loading screen advertising the zone itself so maybe?

    1. All they’d need to do there is add in enough icebergs across the Bay to simply hop our way to guaradan and beastie annihilation! 😀

      Oh, and they should totally add in an extra reputation tier there…too easy at the moment. How about “so-so buddies”? 😉

  2. Good Show: starting to feel that the group dynamic is starting to form 🙂
    Area Revamp: North Downs – Great! Trollshaws almost certain…But revamp shire…they cant even mess with the way hobbits walk let alone mess with the Shire.
    Agree with Andang..new areas need the update most. North Bree would be good…lot of empty space and then streamline quests…
    Will be looking out for you guys on Windy 🙂

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