LOTRO Bullroarer Patch 12.3 Notes

LOTRO Bullroarer Patch 12.3 Notes post thumbnail image

Seems like just yesterday we got a patch in LOTRO, and already the next one, Patch 12.3, is up for testing on Bullroarer. As always, I’ve listed a couple of the more notable changes, but be sure to check the link for the full list.

Remember folks; these are very much subject to change!:

Of Special Note
As we continue to balance and adjust the difficulty of the game, players should be aware that Monsters are more likely to use their stronger attacks as of this update.

By player Request
The sparring timer has been adjusted. Spars will now last a maximum of 10 minutes instead of 3.

(Thanks to Fredelas for the heads up)

2 thoughts on “LOTRO Bullroarer Patch 12.3 Notes”

  1. Players haven’t been able to copy characters from the live servers to Bullroarer since Helm’s Deep launched. I’ve found this makes testing and comparing class changes extremely difficult.

    For example, the change for warden bleeds from true damage (unintended) to weapon damage (intended) is hard to gauge on Bullroarer. It feels like a huge nerf to me, but I know my auto-leveled character is geared significantly differently on Bullroarer than on live. Plus I’m not completely confident that every single one of my 65 trait points is spent exactly the same way.

    The kind of feedback I can give is severely limited because of this.

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