4 thoughts on “The Braxclan Episode 7 – Conceding Weathertop”

  1. Nice attempt, guys. I’m not sure if I ever tried the fellowship version of this one. On the flip side, I think I’ve done the solo version as a duo…

  2. What spec is Locowolf in? I’m not that familiar with champs after HD. I think the Red Line Guard has an attack similar to the heavy overhead hammer smash thing.

  3. I’ve done the fellowship version in a Duo and a Trio but always at like level 27ish so the mobs are green. 😀 It’s tough to beat that troll lower.

  4. He’s specc’d red, which probably isn’t ideal for this instance. Tanking line would help with aggro, for sure. I’d love to bring both Loco and Brodkil (guard) into this instance to see if we three could finish it off, but I’ve only got 2 microphones. Also, we’ve had some scheduling issues with our recordings as Minecraft and (ahem) grounding from electronics have interfered with the boys ability to play, lately 🙂

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