This week is our defiler special and also the final episode of Fellowship of the Creeps. Thank you everyone for your support of this show for over a year!
This week we did not receive any donations but would love your support!
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Thanks for watching!
Even though I’m not that familiar with the PvP community, and have only watched a couple scattered episodes of FotC, awesome work throughout the series – seems like you guys were *usually* having fun. I look forward to the PvE show!
We definitely had some good episodes but we decided it was time to take a break.
It is such a shame how the new changes have had such an impact on so many different playstyles. It looks like the balancing effort is going to take a long while, and what condition the Overlords are attempting to balance toward is still very much up in the air.
Hopefully, things will get righted soon, and to make the widest audience happy
And that you all might pick things up again down the road!
Indeed! Lets hope for the best!