This week we had giveaways and Pineleaf got a Twitter!
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Game News
Scheduled Server Downtime, 23rd January
Turbine soliciting 20 questions questions
Free Sample: x1 +100% Mark Acquisition(90 mins) MMS75
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Legendary Slot Unlock
Legendary Tier Upgrades
+5,000 Enhanced Reputation Supply
Relics and Relic Packs
LOTRO Players News
LOTRO Video Highlights – Isengard Dev Diary
An Unexpected Vidcast Episode 29
Brax’s pick of the week: LOTRO Crafting Corner by Flosiin
A big thanks to Stuart for his $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players.
To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site. We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.
This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support!
Featured Comments
Lilikate left a comment on LOTRO Players News Episode 30:
“Great show as always! I love the crow-baring of the Grumpy Old Man!
Pineleaf is an excellent host!
My favourite story character has to be Tom Bombadil who skippity doo’s I just love. Also Radagast I adore as he saves the animals and does not have any bird poo on his face whiskers or hair.
My favourite LOTRO Players moment must be the time Lizzy was telling you all what she really thought and poor Pineleaf got the brunt of that too, although she did compliment his skirmishing ability I don’t think we got it all live but it made me laugh so much
Here is to the next 30 shows! and more.”
Brewstyr of Brandywine also left a comment on LOTRO Players News Episode 30:
“It’s Monday night after a long day at work and I’m home relaxing and I remember… Lotro Player News should be up on the website.
So I begin listening to the podcast. I have done this before but tonight is special, it’s special because the other day I left a review on iTunes and I hope to hear a mention in the feedback section of the show. At 54:45 Draculetta did the reading of my review and I felt so proud to be part of the show but then it went so terribly wrong.
Imagine my shock to hear I had left out Braxwolf when I wrote the review.
No that’s impossible!
It could not be!
All the while the podcast is going on and I hear the group laughing at my goof. Oh the shame I’m feeling… Braxwolf of the Braxclan, how could I have done such thing? Am I getting too old? Not fit for proper feedbacking on the interwebs?
No, this can’t be, time to investigate.
I started thinking about the feedback and that day, I did just listen to a 3+ hour epic podcast and I was mining ore and wood in the West Rohan areas the whole time of the podcast. I remembered being careful to include Mysteri even though she did not make that specific podcast.
So I thought, lets double-check that iTunes review.
To my surprise and glee, there it was, Braxwolf! Somehow among the list of names in my review Braxwolf’s name was deleted in the translation to podcast notes.
So now the question exists…
Who Deleted Braxwolf?
Thanks for the podcasting and fun, keep it up!
Brewstyr of Brandywine”
This week we received another email from Ali
“Greetings LOTRO Players,
I am Ali from Italy, while I am taking a month and a half break from LOTRO due to my exams, I do listen to you guys, which keeps me up to date on everything LOTRO..I really enjoyed this weeks episode and it was super fun..Also last week I found out that you can listen to the podcast on youtube/google+ before it ever comes on itunes feed..but I do not reccomend it..Nothing wrong with your beautiful normal voices but I do prefer listening to 2x versions of you all lol ..I also laughed out loud when Pineleaf said that his favourite moment is surviving the poetry..and since Andang cannot wait to have more poems..I do not like to keep him waiting..I had been working on an idea for a poem..its one of the more difficult style of poem and took alot of work..Being a big fan of Tolkien poetry, this poem is inspired by The Song of Earendil by Bilbo..reading it in the right way will be a challenge for whoever attempts it..but if you guys get it right, wherever I am listening to it, I will stand up and bow in your direction So here it is..Enjoy..Its dedicated to all Tolkien fans, all casual players and to LOTRO Players.
Casual Stroll:
When I was bored of playing,
and slaying, the deeds became boring,
so i started exploring, the middle earth,
the beautiful earth, and all its mystery,
the history, I enjoy the ales
and tales, and the role play,
and lore play, a break from questing,
just resting, in hall of fire,
by the fire, with desire, and a passion,
no more traveling ration, so everyone come,
welcome, please do come, with Estel-Ali,
or Dgenx-Ali, with all these merry elves,
the singing elves, the dancing elves,
the Tolkien’s elves and Bilbo,
or was it Bingo, I dont remember,
but you are a member, of this community, of players,
the LOTRO Players, who got the news,
and share their views, what they’ve been doing,
and pursuing, so listen to them conveying,
when you are bored of playing.”
Contact Us
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LOTRO Players @LOTROPlayers
Andang @PvMP_Andang
Braxwolf @Braxwolf
Draculetta @Draculetta_72
Ethelros @Ethelros
Mysteri @Mysterixox
Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles
Final Thoughts
LOTRO Players News goes LIVE every Saturday at 8:30pm server time (Eastern). You can join us by going to Be sure to join us in the chat!
Thanks for watching!
Casual Stroll:
That’s awesome, Ali! That would sound great with some hip-hop music backing you up.
haha thanks! a hip hop beat would be awesome! future project
I recorded it with a beat
Awesome – nice work dgenxali!
I really enjoyed this! Well done!
thank you!
Great show as always!
I have been so busy, I did not get the chance to thank you all for the discussion my question about Epic Battles last week and what seems to make them more enjoyable in groups.
What I probably should have mentioned within the question was that I have found that quite a few that do not care for instancing and other traditional group content seem to enjoy the Battles, but only while in groups. And, with the schism regarding solo versus group play that is really fracturing the community right now, I wondered if there might be something from the Battles that could be applied to other group content, in order to give it a wider appeal and lessen the tension.
There are likely a great many factors, as you all mentioned, but I wonder if the ‘partial success’ factor in the Battles might be a part of their appeal. Instancing can be intimidating to those new to it, and fearing that you will make a mistake and cause a failure for the entire group is a very real thing, one that I definitely felt when I first started. I know Brax mentioned something along those lines as well, and how everyone took things in stride for his favorite moment
Since the Battles are not strictly pass or fail, maybe there is less pressure felt by those who might otherwise feel great pressure due to the need to be ‘perfect’. Of course, the Battles demand perfection to earn Platinum medals, and that still should be changed, I think. But there really needs to be something done as an inclusive measure right now. The war being waged over at the Overlords’ forums and in other places is more contentious than the Battle for Helm’s Deep now.
And I wanted to mention an idea for Legendary Items, since there were more groans about them on the podcast this week
And, I almost wonder, with all the balancing issues with the current classes now, it is hard to imagine the coming ‘surprise’ being a new class, but…
I think, with the work that has been done on the trait tree system, it could be adapted into an amazing platform for legendary items.
Say you discover, or have refined, a weapon of the First Age. It likely has many powerful enchantments, ones you would not know how to utilize, access, or even be aware of. So you go and have it appraised by a Forge or Relic Master. They give you some insight into the weapon, and by practicing with it, and using it in battle, you begin to see more and more of its potential.
But it is a weapon of the First Age, made by great and powerful elves and men. But the elves’ strength is fading while men and the other races have either lost their way or have never held an interest in such things [Those who know the lore better can give a more thorough reasoning for this! :)]
Anyway, those of this time simply haven’t the strength to access and wield all of the powers of these ancient weapons at once. Thus, they can all be learned, in time, with the proper study (Scrolls of Empowerment and such), but the different legacies would be broken into trees, like the trait trees. Like the trait trees, you can choose to access a different line of legacies (powers) at any time outside of combat, and those lines would likely mirror the trait trees, since many of the legacies involve skills gated behind them.
But with this method, there would be no need for finding an endless stream of ‘legendary’ items that you break down. You would just need the one, and it would gain power over time.
Maybe the surprise is a revamp to the LI system, that the work on the trait trees will now allow? Time will tell!
I have been pushing for an LI change implementing the trees for what feels like forever. I like the system now but it is so ridiculous that there are more LI’s than normal weapons. How are they legendary then?
Anyway, lets hope for the best!
I’m not sure I want more trees in the game, but I would prefer this over the existing system. There are several flaws with it, not the least of which is how legacies are randomly applied to the LI’s. I currently have one on my bow specific to strength stance. I never run in strength stance.
I love the idea of keeping one LI and simply building upon it, though I do wonder if you could run into the ‘legacy bloat’ issue over a number of years. I suppose if you could replace older, inferior legacies with new ones, that would be a different story.
Great ideas, keep them coming!
Making LI really ‘LEGENDARY’ would be great.
Unfortunately I suppose a lot of revenue at the moment is presently generated with this system so cannot see it being changed…
What about something like the Vagrant Story weapon mechanic that will grant bonuses related to mobs killed with it (or I suggest skills used in conjunction with the weapon…)…in that game I ended up with needing 7-8 weapons for different situations.