Hullo LOTRO Players!
I was hoping to have been able to post an episode of Small LOTRO Adventures today.
Sadly an issue with our sound equipment has caused a delay in the making of our Vidcast. I am hopeful that Lizzy and I will be able to record again soon.
So I thought, I would stop for a bit-of-a chat. Let you all know the latest from the world of Lilikate Buggins.
I had a wonderful time at Winterstock I played, danced and even pulled a shift or two of Vending duty. It was lovely getting to meet other folk both big and small. I ended up with muffns left over! ‘Til I ate them.
I have been immersed in a new project, a LOTRO Orchestra! The Starlight Orchestra was founded just at of the start of this month. We will be performing classical music after a good deal of rehearsal time.
The Starlight Orchestra are still looking for more musicians to join our numbers, and not just musicians we are also recruiting Dance Leaders and Special Effects people.
You can apply to the Orchestra at this address:
I managed to get a little fishing in between quests. This Breeland Bear after taking a dip in the stream, tried to blag a portion of my catch.
I thought I would pop into Lalia’s Market. My good friend and Skirmish Archer Lizzy wanted to take a peek at the Snow Horned Steed. She took this picture of me, I think the horse was very amused at having such short admirers.
Now I saved the best for last: Ladies brace yourselves!
I popped along through the market and spotted this very nice ceremonial dress dyed a lovely RED! I really like this colour! What do you all think of it? The price is 300 turbine points worth of Mithril coins.
So I was looking about me at other outfits, Lizzy loves it when I try on outfits, how she laughs!
I saw a few more gowns I admired! but they were not for sale. Which one or all would you like to see in the market next?
This dress I also would love to have in my wardrobe.
It looks nice dyed different colours too.
Thats all from me today.
I leave you all now with this funny screenshot entitled:
“The Three Tinkies and Miss Flo”
“Drums in the Silver Deeps”
Tlak about high fashion! Of course Im referring to the last shot…
Tinki I recommend you take a look at the Lilikate’s Creatures Overhill Edition