Update 12.2 Release Notes

Update 12.2 Release Notes post thumbnail image

These notes are for the most part the same as the ones posted for Bullroarer. Still, there may be some minor details that have changed or been added. Be sure to look through yourselves for anything that piques your curiosity. Below are the ‘Of Special Note’ changes and a few that I personally found interesting:

Addressing “Macroing” issues
Certain classes were able to cause some skills to ignore their cooldowns, causing a situation where those skills could be used repeatedly and rapidly on their target. This has been resolved.

Class Trait Quickslots Update
We now save/restore the state of your quickslots automatically when you change class trait configuration slots. A few things to be aware of:

  • When you switch to a given configuration slot for the very first time, the quickslots for that slot will be initialized from the way they look before you switched
  • When you earn a new skill through leveling, this skill will be automatically shortcut to the first available empty slot in each of the “non-current” trait configuration slots (if there’s room)
  • Newly earned non-mounted-combat skills will be automatically quickslotted to the main (sword icon) quickslot page, no matter which page you are currently looking at (unlike previously)
  • Only the main quickslot page layout is saved/restored, and only for the main bar and bars 1-3. Bars 4 and 5 don’t change when you change pages and their state will not be saved/restored
  • Only skills earned by leveling will be automatically shortcut for you for the non-current trait configurations. Other skills (for example milestone or travel skills bought through the webstore) will not

Thank you to the Players Council for their input and suggestions on how to address this issue and improve the experience.

Lore-master and Captain trait reset
Lore-masters and Captains have undergone trait changes causing their trait points to be reset with this patch. You will have to re-select your specialization and trait choices after logging in for the first time.

Based on player feedback…

  • We have smoothed out monster HP progression. Mid-level monsters (lvl 30-50) in particular will be a bit tougher. In addition, after many drills, the forces of the Enemy now use their basic attacks at a faster pace.
  • The stack size limit for Crafting and Hobby barter items has been removed.


  • The rating caps for block and evade has been increased slightly, whereas the cap for parry has been reduced. This is part of the ongoing adjustments that are still being made to stat caps and stat contributions.
  • Fixed an issue causing weapons to not be wielded when combat was initiated using some specific skills. Almost every class could be affected by this bug, but Lore-masters and Captains were affected often.
  • (LM)Pets were a wee bit too awesome. Their damage output has been decreased slightly.
  • Monsterplayer health potions are no longer useable by the Free People. Apologies in advance to those who enjoyed drinking The Blood of Men.

2 thoughts on “Update 12.2 Release Notes”

  1. Can confirm that Guards are playing much smoother now that the reactive bug is fixed and skills are firing off faster.

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