Developer Snippets – 18th January 2014

This week most of the Dev responses have been regarding things more appropriate for a full article. As a result we only have a couple of PvP related posts by Jinjaah.

LI Weapons for the Ettenmoors aimed for release in Update 13: link

Bullroarer specific: Creep Morale pots being lowered(due to Inc Healing bonus): link

Schedule for first 11 sessions of Take the Hobbits to Isengard. These will be run on the official LOTRO Twitch page. All times are server (U.S. Eastern) time.

  1. Gilrain – January 10 2:30PM  (1h 22m 55s. 0 Deaths)
  2. Elendilmir – January 17 6:30PM  (1h 10m 6s 0 Deaths)
  3. Evernight – January 22 2:30PM
  4. Crickhollow January 24 5:00PM
  5. Withywindle January 31, 3:00PM
  6. Gladden February 7 5:00PM
  7. Laurelin February 12 2:30PM
  8. Brandywine February 28 5:00PM
  9. Snowborn March 5 2:30PM
  10. Arkenstone March 7 6:30PM
  11. Belegaer March 14 2:30PM

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