This week most of the Dev responses have been regarding things more appropriate for a full article. As a result we only have a couple of PvP related posts by Jinjaah.
LI Weapons for the Ettenmoors aimed for release in Update 13: link
Bullroarer specific: Creep Morale pots being lowered(due to Inc Healing bonus): link
Schedule for first 11 sessions of Take the Hobbits to Isengard. These will be run on the official LOTRO Twitch page. All times are server (U.S. Eastern) time.
- Gilrain – January 10 2:30PM (1h 22m 55s. 0 Deaths)
- Elendilmir – January 17 6:30PM (1h 10m 6s 0 Deaths)
- Evernight – January 22 2:30PM
- Crickhollow January 24 5:00PM
- Withywindle January 31, 3:00PM
- Gladden February 7 5:00PM
- Laurelin February 12 2:30PM
- Brandywine February 28 5:00PM
- Snowborn March 5 2:30PM
- Arkenstone March 7 6:30PM
- Belegaer March 14 2:30PM