Auditions Open for The Starlight Orchestra

While many musicians have their own kinships or separate bands they belong to, imagine all the top active LOTRO music lovers and performers coming together every one or two months for a grand performance of Orchestral music. THIS is where the Starlight Orchestra idea came about.

We were wanting to have one collaborative project to bring the best and most active together to perform large entertaining classical pieces. So, on New Years Day 2014 the Starlight Orchestra was founded, just before the first annual Winterstock.

Gentlemen’s Formal Attire

As Winterstock will be our debut performance, what a better time to do it, we have no set “regular members.” As we will have a large amount of members, not all will be performing at one time, only those who will be available. Having a good number of members to pool from will allow us to customize our musicians. While are target performance member number will range between 10-24 members, our debut this Winterstock will be lower.

As the concerts will include 10-24 performers, to reserve the excitement of having such a grand performance going on, we will be making an appearance to a starry sky near you every 1-3 months.

As we are an Orchestra, we focus on specifically classical music. This includes symphonies, sonatas, concertos, and other similar pieces ranging from 2 minutes up to 20 minutes and up!

Lades in light coloured gowns.

This as you might think is pretty ambitious. Well it is also something many have enjoyed the idea of. This is why we welcome any musician, no matter your kin or other band affiliations to audition to the orchestra. But, even if you are not a music person you are also welcomed to participate as part of our FX Team, as we have plans for exciting firework expositions during the performances as well!

There are a few positions available with in the Orchestra.

Concert Master: Schedule Concerts, Arrange a Song List and Assign parts to available musicians, then run the concert on the day of the performance

Casting Director: Meet with new applicants in game testing their ability to play music using both the Songbook plugin and manually. Responsible for deciding whether they have the basics required to perform. Post the results of your decision of their audition in the audition sub-forum of the Officer forum. Accept their application.

SF Team Leader: Meet with applicants wishing to join the FX Team. Determine whether they would be an appropriate fit, and accept them as a member if so. Create and run FX during concerts to best increase the excitment of the production.

Dance Choreographer: Run any dancing during the concerts, assisting with time and coordination with either an Orchestra dance team, or the public themselves.

We are based on Landroval but have plans to hold concerts on other servers when we are more established.

We welcome musicians and others who have skills in performance art to apply for a post on our brand new website at:

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Currently Recruiting

Bagpipist 2
Clarinetist 3
Cowbellist 4
Drummer 4
Flutist 2
Harpist 3
Horns 2
Pibgornist 4
Theorboist 2
FX Team 5

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