I am very happy to present to LOTRO Players a band who are new to the Landroval music scene.
Well they were new, now they are newish
Dallarien the Band Leader was not able to be at this particular performance but here is another screenshot of her with the band.
“Under The Sunlit Sky was formed just 3 months ago in October. As a new kin who came together through our love of music and dancing, we thought it might be fun to start our own band.
So I had a go at transcribing some songs and we had our first practice in the farm behind West Bree stables – joined by a rather noisy cow!
Regular members are myself (Dallarien), Crazypants, Silcia, Liodora, Duinne and Petaline. We are sometimes joined by Grisdan and Aeorneth who were founder members of the band.
We have our own dance troupe in the making courtesy of Fyrfly and Thuringwen, and I have been experimenting with timing songs to match the dances, it’s a work in progress! Also we recently discovered a drum dance trick which we have been confusing guests with for a few weeks – if you’re in a happy mood, then do a little dance, any dance, then hit the drums – you will see!
We usually play under the canopy in Market Square Bree, 3pm server time on a Saturday”- Dallarien.
(Extract taken from an article on LOTROArtists.com)
Each saturday at 3.00pm server time. Under the Sunlit Sky play for an hour (or more) under the red and white canopy, slightly to the west of the Boar Fountain in Market Square Breetown. On the Landroval Server of LOTRO.
However on the 18th of January at 5.00pm server time Under the Sunlit Sky will be performing in Thorins Gate, Ered Luin as a member of the Winterstock celebrations.
I would like to take a moment to direct you all to this calendar on LOTRO Artists. Here you can find in a very easy to follow format which bands are playing when and where.

I thought this screenshot amusing
Lilikate – I was wondering if your band members had prearranged instruments for your concerts or do folks pick up and play whats needed?

We have been together since October 2013 and all our songs are transcribed by us – I do the majority but recently Liodora and Petaline have been bitten by the bug and have contributed some very good tunes. We don’t compose our own yet but it’s something I would like to do in the future.I asked each band member and our dancers to write a couple of lines about their real life music interests.
Dallarien: I have been a musician/singer/songwriter for almost 20 years and spent all of my 20’s singing and playing guitar in rock and punk bands. That’s where my heart lays – rock and punk, but also some folk and blues, and now I am past it I get to do it virtually instead!
Crazypants: Sadly I have no musical talent in real life at all – null, nada, rien… I’m even bad at singing and dancing. Maybe that’s why I enjoy the music in lotro so much.
I still carry the early songs of Springsteen in my heart. I loved The Smashing Pumpkins in their old lineup. Nowadays I listen mostly to independent and alternative music like for example The Joy Formidable.
Silcia (Ditho): I’m not a singer,dancer,writer or something like that.
I like footbal and music i like : Rammstein,Hammerfall,Within Temptatio
Liodora: I don’t play any instrument in real life, however when I was younger tried to learn Piano, for the rest I just like to listen to music.
I listen to all kind of music, from classic to heavy but most favorite is rock music. I have not really the time to do something about music in RL, but I like to play on Lotro and I like to transcribe some songs for the band, on Lotro I like to listen to everyone that plays music
Grisdan: I love playing Tuba. I play in Concert bands, marching bands, Oktoberfest bands, Klezmer bands, brass ensembles .. whoever will have me. I also ring hand bells. Why yes, I am of German descent. How did you know?
Petaline: I’m a voracious listener to a broad range of music, tending away from what’s popular. While I don’t play an instrument, I have an old Rickenbacker bass that needs repair when I can afford it – I’d love to pick it up! Once I discovered I could convert music to play in LOTRO, I was in love! I’ve re-written lyrics for only one song so far, but plan on more as the inspiration hits me.
Thuringwen: I love to dance in real life! I’ll dance to whatever is playing in whatever place I happen to be at. I could probably dance to a Gregorian Chant if I wanted to.
I’ll sing too, if I’ve had a few drinks, but I won’t speculate on whether or not I have any talent there.Fyrfly: Musical experience: I have spent several years in the past as music librarian/conductor’s Girl-Friday for 500-member city-wide youth orchestra/band and competitive jazz band, and local High-School bands…also raised a tuba/bass player and a drummer; I automatically pick out the bass-line
(I have also learned how to tune-out loud noises, in self-defense.) Love many music forms– rock, classic and Indie, is my favourite.
Awesome job Lilikate!