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LOTRO Players News Episode 29: Pineleaf Should Read

This week there was not much news but there was plenty to talk about.

Game News

Sapience Taking the Hobbits to Isengard

Store Sales

  • Free Sample: One Black Dye   BDYE9

  • 20% off the off the following items:

    • Rune-keeper class
    • Warden class

    • Class slots

    • Skill and Slayer Deed Boosts

    • Mithril Coins

LOTRO Players News

What NPC’s Are Thinking

SweetFX in LOTRO

Dev Snippets

Reminder: Winterstock is next weekend

Brax’s pick of the week: LOTRO Did You Know? – What to do if you get hacked


This week we did not receive any donations but would love your support.

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.



This week we did not receive any reviews on iTunes but would love your support.


This week we received our first email from Kazren:


I thought there would be a place on the forum to post, but I couldn’t find it, perhaps it’s the outdated browser I’m using.

After listening to your HD podcast, I wanted to say some things about the Epic Battles.

First of all, doing it two-man is considered ‘solo,’ so it will qualify you to do the 6 or 3 man for that area.

The engineer skill line is great and my favorite, but it’s best to also run an Officer line.  By rank 3 in engineer, you can disassemble barricades in useless places and put them down wherever you need them.  You also have tripwires by then, which not only trip the enemy, but stun them.  When you first start the Dike, no one should click on Gamling until all the barricades, catapults and balistas are just where you want them.  We always save a barricade in our ‘bag’ in case we get the Powder or Horses side quests.

By rank four you can build small balistas and catapults wherever you want them!  For instance: if you’re doing the dike, you can put a catapult right on the bridge above where the war machine might come.  One crank, drop and boom!  The war machine is dead very quickly.  You can also build a small balista at the top of the inner culvert on the West to strike down the enemy as they race to attack your tower – and with a few barricades and trip wires to slow them down, none even get around the corner there.

It’s also good to build a balista right where the spiders come out in the Glittering Caves.  Barricade the bottleneck there, trip wire it, and they pile up and are stunned, you shoot once with the balista and kill 3-5 in one shot, while your tank goes after the cocoons and boss spider.

The Deepening Comb is pretty easy with the huge number of barricades they give you as well as catapults and balistas.  There’s a world of difference.

You do need someone (an Officer) to give orders to troops, especially in the Dike and Caves when you run off on side quests, so the soldiers you’ve just abandoned don’t die while you’re gone.

By tier 3, as I mentioned above, it’s a whole new ballgame, but it’s still the most fun as a 6 man on the Dike.  Using your barricades, tripwires and someone who can command the troops will get your triple platinums!  It takes a little strategy and you must always keep those banners healed up (which your healing classes can do much faster than your engineers).

Due to bugs, the Caves is my least favorite, but my friend and I actually got triple platinum there once, shocking both of us.  We have yet to do that a second time.

The one thing I like least about the Epics is the lack of maps, especially in the Caves.  Until I’d done it about 8 times, I had no idea where I was going or how I got there.   Maps would be a big help.

I had many more things to share with you, but I’m at work now and I can’t go back and listen.

Thanks for the podcasts,


This week we received our second email from Deac

“Hi Pineleaf,

I’ve recently begun running more skirmishes and have a few questions:

1)  I read that you receive a 50% mark buff if you allow the IF to randomly select your skirmishes.  Is that correct?  I am not getting any notification of a buff being applied either when the skirm launches or as an icon on my main screen.

2)  A  chest only appears at the end of some of the skirms.  Should there be one at the end of all of them if the skirm is completed successfully?

3)  In skirms that offer banners or other buffs like 21st Hall, do you get more marks if you complete the skirm without using any of the banners?

Thanks for your help.  Great podcast!

Deac of Dwarrowdelf”

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Andang @PvMP_Andang

Braxwolf @Braxwolf

Draculetta @Draculetta_72

Ethelros @Ethelros

Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @SomethingsomethingofMiddleearth

Final Thoughts

LOTRO Players News goes LIVE every Saturday at 8:30pm server time (Eastern).  You can join us by going to  Be sure to join us in the chat!

Thanks for watching!

4 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 29: Pineleaf Should Read”

  1. It was great to be able to be up late enough to join you in the live chatroom! So much content to catch up with! It was really nice hearing those familiar voices again.

  2. Great show as ever guys. And the Helms Deep email gave me a few ideas of how to crack some of those big battles.

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