Andune 2nd Anniversary Concert


Yesterday was the birthday of the band The Andune Ensemble. I have been playing with Andune for several months now and I am always amazed at the work and commitment of our band leader Geoffroi.
We gave a special concert in celebration of this special day which lasted over two hours!
We shall be playing at Winterstock next week on Sunday at 4pm (server time)
We can be heard every Sunday (bar next week) playing at Bree Stage from 3pm to 4pm on the Landroval server.
The Andune Ensemble is made from musicians of The Lonely Mountain Band Kinship.
Last night our Ensemble was headed by Geoffroi with Cennwyn, Lithelinea, Braxwald (who is a lady), Floradine, Keeblers, Attyprecious, Quini and Lilikate.

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