This week’s edition of Dev Snippets is largely concerning Jinjaah, the Dev responsible for the development of the Hunter, Rune-Keeper and Champion. He’s been posting quite a bit recently, answering questions, responding to suggestions and all that good stuff. To be frank, there are way too many posts made and different things talked about to list them here, so instead I’ll link to each of the threads he’s been in and separate them by class. Be sure to check them out if you’re big on any of those classes. We also had a couple of posts by Rockx and Verizal covering certain things coming with Patch 12.2(which is estimated to drop late this month).
Jinjaah – Hunter
Jinjaah – Champion
Recovery state – Created for Jinjaah
Jinjaah – Rune-Keeper
Rockx – Burglar – Bob and Weave nerf in 12.2
Verizal – Guardian – Reactive events to be fixed in 12.2