Free sample of the week
1 Free Store Exclusive CosmeticUse Coupon Code FINE7 1/Account
*Includes Rank 15/16 virtues!
25% Off

Drac’s take – Meh, if you have alot of TP to spend, I guess you could skip the grind and get these.. but I’d really just grind them, though I”m stingy with my TP 
Virtue Bundles
25% Off

Drac’s take – Again. I’d skip this, but it’s your personal call..
Trait Slots
25% Off

Drac’s take – FREE TO VIP! if your a F2P or Premium would not be a bad idea to open more of these
Skill & Slayer Deed Boosts
25% Off

Drac’s take – These are always good to have.. make that grind a bit easier!
New steed in the store – The Steed of the Snow Beast –

Whiteberry from Tales Of Arda has a nice shot of this steed up (along with the warsteed cosmetic)

Oooh nice steed!
So nice infact that I just had to buy it
Any advice of what to get cosmetic wise with the free sample…the possibilities are endless…?
I picked up the Carpenters robe. I purchased it over on Landroval before, but wanted to add it to my Laurelin wardrobe.
From what I saw, it works as a 295TP coupon on any of the items in the store exclusive cosmetic section. This excludes the full armor set of that forochel armor, and the dwarf-only bare-chested cosmetic.
If you really can’t decide on a cosmetic clothing item, note that the emotes that fall under the store exclusive cosmetic section should also work (ie the three horse emotes, rock/paper/scissor, jazz hands, golf emotes, etc).
Thanks AnUnexpected and Zyngor…I have norrowed down my list…If you want and all LOTRO PLAYERS readers)you can help me choose: I created a poll for you guys on my blog