It’s a smaller edition of Dev Snippets to go through this week, but there’s still some little things you might want to know. So with no further delay, let’s get started.
As promised last week, Verizal has posted a complete list of all loot from all the scaling instances in LOTRO. He also notes that some of the item stats are not set in stone and will likely be changed. See further down in the thread for more details.
Resist Chance Removed From Force Taunts
Another post by Verizal, this time concerning force taunts. In response to some complaints of tanking issues(and likely in line with the reduction of force taunt durations with 12.1) the Devs have decided to remove the resist chance from them so that they *always* take effect when used. There’s also a side note of addressing ‘clunky’ Guardian combat, likely to be done partially alongside the above change.
Ground Targeting Captain Banners Temporarily Pulled
This is referencing the 12.1 Bullroarer Patch Notes which stated a change to the Captain tree which allowed them to change the banner from a targeted skill to a ground-based one similar to Rune-keeper Stones. Due to unforeseen issues during the stint on the test server, the change has been temporarily pulled. Rockx also explains the reasoning for splitting the ground-based trait from the general potency buffing traits, which was to allow Captains the choice of targeted versus ground, depending on their preference.
PvMP Consumables to be boosted with 12.2
Jinjaah took to the PvMP section of the forums(a brave move these days) to state that the PvMP pots, food and out of combat regens(The latter solely for Creeps) that had been neglected when scaling the rest of the game up to 95 will be boosted appropriately in Patch 12.2. Naturally we don’t have a date for that yet, but I would presume sometime in January.
LOTRO Hardware Requirements Update
This is something Turbine announced they would do several months back, as the current LOTRO specs were rather outdated, having not been adjusted since Mines of Moria. Shown in the link is both the Minimum and Recommended System Requirements, that are intended to be enough to let you run the game at low-mid graphics settings.