New Cafe opening!

Are you tired of collecting hides for the 300th time?
Are you tired of doing the work that the Rangers should be doing?
Are you tired of people running up to you and asking them to save their town?

Well come on down and visit us at the new Lugz’s cafe!

We serve the finest Hobbit and Dwarf pie’s you can find this side of the Misty Mountains!
Stick around with our Weavers as they provide you with the best Web surfing around. And our Warg’s provide 256 bite security for you so you won’t be pestered by another Thane begging for help.
Looking for refreshments? Our Defiler’s are always coming up with the finest drinks. They’ll wash away any sorrow and hope you might have. Buy 1 drink and get 5 free drinks for your fellowship. They’re to die for!
Are you bags weighing you down? Tired of lugging all those Rusty old First Age items? Our Concierge of Reavers at the front gates will be more than happy to take those extra weapons and amour off your hands.

Don’t take another step towards Helm’s Deep because you really earned a vacation! Stop on over to the Ettenmores. When you come, make sure you tell them that Uncle Azog sent you!

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