LOTRO Academy: 86 – And Then Some

LOTRO Academy: 86 - And Then Some
Branick, Mysteri, and Pineleaf are joined by Achazia from the popular in-game LOTRO band The Shades, and by Cari from LOTRO Reporter for this episode. Thanks for listening.

6 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: 86 – And Then Some”

  1. Nice episode, and congrats on the awesome milestone! It’s been a blast listening to the episodes and playing/chatting with y’all @ the Friday sessions. Here’s to a hundred more, hopefully our furry-footed friend will be closer in getting that ring to Mordor by then!

  2. Hey gang. Congratulations on the milestone. The accolades are well deserved. Thanks for all you do for the Lotro Community. I was especially gratified to hear so many mentions of the Legendary Items Episodes among the lists of memorable podcasts and glad I could be a big part of that. It’s hard to tell but I THINK most of the comments were complimentary. 🙂 I know it was a lot of dense info, but HEY, I didn’t WRITE the system, I just helped organize the outline to explain it! Looking forward to your next 100!
    – Braag of Vilya
    “No Fun of any kind!”

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