LOTRO Players News Episode 22: Launch Week

This week Helm’s Deep launched and we discuss all the news related to the release.

Game News

Helm’s Deep Release Pushed to Nov. 20th

Helm’s Deep Patch Notes

12.0.1 Patch

Helm’s Deep Known Issues

Helm’s Deep Launch Trailer

Store Sales

Free Sample: Study Steel Key (LOOT6 )

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Mounted Combat Trait Specs

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War-Steed Cosmetic Slots

LOTRO Players News

First Impressions of Helm’s Deep



Helm’s Deep Raid and 6-man videos

Rise of the Fellowship Review

The Braxclan Episode 1

Flashback: Brax’s First LOTRO Article

Buskin’ in Bree Bonanza!

An Unexpected Vidcast Reaches 20th Episode

Brax’s pick of the week: The Average LOTRO Player by Roger Edwards


This week we received an anonymous donation.   A big thanks to them for their support!

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This week we did not receive any reviews.  If you would like to leave a review on iTunes, we will read it on the show!

Featured Comments

Rhonda Gildaren left a comment on last weeks LOTRO Players News YouTube video

“You got Brax’s name right today!”


This week we did not receive any emails.  If you would like to send us an email, we might read it on the show!

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Final Thoughts

LOTRO Players News goes LIVE every Saturday at 8:30pm server time (Eastern).  You can join us by going to lotroplayers.com/live.  Be sure to join us in the chat!

Thanks for watching!

6 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 22: Launch Week”

  1. The most unexciting, unrewarding, uninteresting, underwhelming expansion yet, its sad that they did this to Rohan, some of us have been waiting since 2007 to see Rohan.. and this is what we get, debacle after debacle.. Its a gaming tragedy what Turbine & WB have done to the once wonderful game.. now its just another theme park MMO..

  2. Hobbit walk: Dammed if you do dammed if you don’t! Not many like change, can’t say I have any female hobbits within my alt collection…my female elf champ also has an irritating gait…I generally ignore.

    BUSKING: come on Chaps, there is a war on: The Americanisation of British English and the Britishisation of American English…

    busking! us?
    busk [intransitive]
    British English to play music in a public place in order to earn money
    (source removed as I flag up as junk!)
    street performer/musician
    (source removed as I flag up as junk!)
    And to drop another Economist link (3 today on Lotro player!!!)


    1. Great article, Tsu! And while I can say that “I’m good” with the “progress (hot)” of the “process (hot)” of AmericaniZ(not -ed)ation, it does “bug” me slightly that there’s a “CONtroversy” surrounding such things. Must be something in the “waaderr”. Other than that, seems like our assimilation is on “skedule”. Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s nearly time to start our Thanksgiving “vacation” here in the new world. 🙂

  3. BUSK follow up: I had a look a Google N-gram viewer today and was surprised at the results: What happed in the mid 20’s in the US when there was a huge spike in the use of the word ‘busk’ in literature? (presumable to busk!) Was there a flood of flappers on the streets being entertained by street musicians?…if it was a little later I would have commented that maybe the great depression had pushed many onto the streets to ‘busk’ for money…

    I can’t post the graphs but have a look, fascinating stuff:

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