Greetings Musicians!
I had an idea a while back to promote new bands and celebrate our established groups.
A day of Busking (playing for tips) is an event for all to enjoy. From 9.00am to 6.00pm (server time).
Anyone can play, if you would like a little publicity fill in the questions below and send your answers and a nice screenshot of you or your band, back to me at:
I will then write an article about your band, which I shall include on and on my kinship forum.
The rules are simple:
You can play anywhere in Bree-town on Landroval (or any server).
If you can hear another band or musician playing then you need to move further away before playing yourselves. Locations are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Prepare to tell other players a little about your band, if you have a regular concert slot or any other info or routine.
Always be polite and thank anyone who donates money to your band.
Your Name:
Names and Instruments of Band-mates:
Bands Name:
Regular Concert Time:
Preferred Style of Music:
Are you a new band?
What would you spend your tips on?
Don’t forget to include a screenshot
Brilliant idea Lilkate, I hope it goes well. If I’m not gigging that night I’ll come along