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Andang’s First Impressions of Helm’s Deep

Rohan, a land now united with the new Helm’s Deep expansion.  Rohan, a large area without loading-screens.  Rohan, a land in dire need for protection from the hoards of orcs Saruman is pouring into the region.

HD Impressions Pic

At the start of the story, players return to Wildermore for much needed conclusion after the abrupt end to the last Epic book.  The best part?  We are not going back to Galadriel again.  The Epic Story quickly takes you into the expansion and keeps going straight to Edoras.

Once players arrive at Edoras, they immediately get involved in events of the books that are done in a fantastic way.  I love how Turbine quickly gets players into the story and lore.  Since we are going to Helm’s Deep with this expansion, events are going at a fast pace and this allows for great, lore-packed storytelling.

Once events slow down a little, players get a chance, through quests, to see how big Edoras is in relation with other places in LOTRO.  It is the largest city in the game but thankfully there is not a lot of lag because it is not the hub of the expansion and the city design is fairly spread out.

I am only about three hours into Rohan but I can already tell that it is going to be a great expansion.  The lore alone is enough to keep me interested in this expansion but thankfully I am liking a lot more.

If you want to see my impressions of the rest of the zone, you can watch my playthrough as I make my way through Helm’s Deep over the next several weeks.

You can also visit my channel on YouTube for even more LOTRO content.

4 thoughts on “Andang’s First Impressions of Helm’s Deep”

  1. I was wondering if you were going to do this with the new regions. What a massive undertaking ahead. I trust that it will be as good as the Wildermore ones, which means I have many hours of viewing ahead of myself.

    1. I hope to do them for every new area in LOTRO. I am also, very slowly, doing all the Epic Story quests from the beginning.

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