I’ve recently made some emote shortcuts for the festival dances and for the emotes which contribute towards a deed. As I have to look this up *every* single time and thought I can’t be alone…, I thought I’d share the how to and include a handy reference guide to the quickslot numbers
To make a shortcut for an emote, type:
/shortcut XX /nameofemote
so to make a shortcut for the emote ‘cheer’ to be placed in your first quickslot, type:
/shortcut 1 /cheer
There are 6 available toolbars – named under UI as Toolbar (main bar) and Quickslots 1-5. Each slot on these toolbars has its own number used to identify it in a shortcut.
For more information about shortcuts and aliases, see this page on the lotro wiki.
Ah, that’s pretty neat, thanks for the tip! In the past, I had always just temporarily moved skills off the main toolbar to bind a shortcut to 1-12, then manually moved those shortcuts to a quickslot bar if so desired.
I didn’t realize the # just kept going up for the Quickslot bars – thanks again!
glad it helped
Great cheat-sheet!
and/or….try the SocialGuy plugin
with the lyrical program at lotrointerface you can type in emotes AND a /say message like:
Hello, how are you today?
after you save them, you can click the “do” button twice real quick and it will perform both things instantly.
thanks for the comments and thanks both for the plugin suggestions – I’ll add them to the original article