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New Vidcast: The Braxclan Episode 1

Hello, all! As some of you know, I’ve been experimenting with “the YouTubes” lately, and have recently started to do some LOTRO playthrough videos with my two oldest boys. They’ve never played through the content before, and I thought it would be interesting to hear their perspectives as they wade through the dangers of Middle-Earth for the first time. The setting for this episode is in northeastern Bree-land, and the cast includes myself and Brodkil, a self-described “amazing guardian”. There may or may not be some attempts at beatboxing.

I hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think. Should this series continue on?


Braxwolf Stormchaser

7 thoughts on “New Vidcast: The Braxclan Episode 1”

  1. Thanks for watching, guys! For me, it’s really fun to witness the pure excitement when little Brax plays. It puts all of the other stuff surrounding the game in perspective.

  2. TSU great to see the next generation getting a kick outta LOTRO…mine r still a wee bit small but they will hopefully progress from playing UPA (they hit the space bar and my char hops) to LOTRO…

  3. Well I am fan of Little Brax even though he slaughters innocent toads. Lots of LOLs watching this episode.

  4. Lol, reminds me of when my older son used to play with me. But now he’s all about Minecraft. My twins turn 2 in 2 weeks so it will be awhile before I can get them to play with me.

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