The offical patch notes have been posted For Helm’s Deep!
A few highlights include :
- Vault-keepers now sell bags of copper, silver, and gold coins. These bags of currency can be sent to other characters on the same world through Shared Storage, allowing you to share money without using the mail system.
- Housing Chests have undergone a transformation. They now function more like vaults and other storage and can be upgraded to 75 storage spaces via in-game gold and to 225 via Mithril. Personal housing chests will accept bound items from the account that purchased the house. Kinship housing chests will not allow bound items.
- Skirmish Marks and LIXP Runes have been added to Hobbit Presents.
- Bounders Bounty Tokens have been converted to Marks.
- Seals have been reset and converted to Marks and Medallions.
- Seals have been removed from all non-raid challenges.
- Travel rations are no longer required.
Full patch notes, can be found in this post on the forums
I for one am pretty excited about the removal of the Travel Rations! being a hunter, I used to have a TON of those things!
What are you looking forward to the most? Leave a comment below!
I know what you mean relating to the travel rations, since wardens are also known for consuming those things (though not at the same rate as hunters). It’s annoying to have your milestone on cool down, no travel rations, all while being stuck in the middle of nowhere.
Also great for Captains, no longer do we need to tell people to get 3 travel ration and get the reply, “What’s that?”. XD
“Jeweled Bell once again works when you are not on a horse. O_o”
I didn’t even know that was a thing! Now I must have one.