If Turbine came up and asked you to help design a new pet in the game, what would you say? What kind of skills would you include?
Here’s a couple that I could think of.
Legendary skill: Squirrel Lurker. Stays in stealth till it attacks.
On demand skills:
-Ah Nuts! Squirrel uses it’s tail to launch a barrage of acorns on 3 targets. Medium damage on 3 targets. On a critical hit, the acorns plugs up the mob’s nose and causes a 12 second daze.
-Ravage. Squirrels goes into a frenzy on the mob’s ankle. High damage and a -25% run speed.
-Blitz. Squirrel freaks out and runs around and jumps on every mob within 20m causing confusion. +35% miss chance on up to 6 mobs.
-Squirrel anxiety: fellowship buff. Squirrels are always on high alert being able detect the slightest sound and dash at a moments notice. +15% stealth detection and +15% run speed to the fellowship
Shire Needlehole Slug:
-Slimed: the higher the intelligence of the mob, the more they’re grossed out by these slugs and forget what they’re doing. 20% interrupt chance on nature. 60% interrupt chance on Orc, goblin, etc. 99% interrupt chance on Signature Boss mobs.
-Slug wall: you’ve heard of shield wall? Slug swells itself up in front of the Loremaster to provide a temporary wall. Melee weapons just slip right off their skin. Lasts 15s with 15 minute cool down.
-Whoops a Daisy! Slug excretes a slimy mess that reaches 10m. Causes any legged mob to slip and fall sending their weapon flying out of their hands. 20s disarm while they’re fumbling around looking for their weapon.
-Slug power: Aura effect. Fellowship has befriended the slug. It’s slim has transformed into an adhesive material on the fellows hands. 100% disarm resistance
New captain Herald: Hungry Hobbit
-Moors Aura buff: puts the entire raid in stealth except the Hungry Hobbit. Lures any creeps out in this Tricksey Hobbit trap…
-Holly Hornblowers Pie. You thought her pies where bad enough with the Shire quests? Wait till the creeps get a load of her new recipe! Knocks out 8 creeps in a 20m range and removes all their buffs for 10s
-Postal! The Hungry Hobbit launches all 10 postal bags at the creeps- successful hits causes an incurable fear on creeps (forced to run away from the raid for 8 seconds)
-Get off my lawn! In a freep held keep, the Hungry Hobbit inspires the local friendly NPC’s into launching a barrage of stones, branches and anything else the can find at the incoming creep raid. 60m range attack
Raving Fan:
-Get the word out: carries around a banner that says “Live in concert! [Insert band name here]”
-Joyful: any time you are stationary, the hop around you in excitement throwing confetti
-Peace Maker: Causes those trouble some fans to be feared away to the nearest town crier.
I want a hungry hobbit herald!
I want a ferret! Skills could include
–Pilfer: Take an object from your target (weapons, hats, shoes, etc)and hide them in a nearby hole.
–Floor shark: Pops out of stealth and bites at the ankles of your target breaking any induction and removing any agro locks.
— Weasel war dance: Stun AOE as your opponents try to figure out why this crazy fert is jumping wildly in the air.
Lol!! Love it!
Sheep would make awesome non-combat pets
LOL! This is a great article. I am sure the Turbine dev’s will be working on implementing starting tomorrow morning!
Hehe! Hopefully!
When they were trying to come up with a new healing pet for the LM, they tried an Auroch. Players were complaining it was too big in groups. With war steeds, could they bring back the Auroch?!
For hunters, add a falcon or owl so it’ll help increase stealth detection.
Is the Defiler a light armour class? Add the poison frogs from the Water Works(Moria.)
The One lick: give those Freeps a “happy feeling.” Display on free side gets that hazy glow.
Tonge lash: stick and throw the freeps 30m.
Another new pet? How about an enhancement to an existing one, turning a non-combat pet into a terrible killing-machine:
Killer Rabbit: Upon completion of a secret deed in Enedwaith, your harmless little bunny is turned into a savage beast.
–Decapitation: Upon scoring a critical hit, the rabbit decapitates your foe, causing an instant and bloody death. This attack has no cooldown, allowing multiple foes to be taken down in succession before the survivors decide to run away.
But every fearsome weapon must have a weakness … -100% resistance to blessed hand-held-projectile explosive devices.
Everyone is thinking too big…
Yep…a cloud of savage bloodthirsty midges…
suck morale off mobs – give to player
use the distracting cloud effect to distract and slow mobs…
when idle will wander off to feed on nearby mobs…
My captain would love to have a new herald…
Forsaken (of too many ales) Herald
(Or a skin that applies to all types of herald available…the drunken oathbreaker would be interesting!)
Picked up for doing secret deed of visiting Forsaken Inn for the 1000th time!
Drunken Bragging – distracts mob from attacking Captain
Drunken Fighting – amazingly crazy yet effective…evade up and dmg up!
Share the booze – raises group’s moral but lowers abilities!
Hehe! love them Tsu!