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Helm’s Deep Original Soundtrack now on Soundcloud

When the Riders of Rohan expansion was announced, one of the major things that got me excited about it was the music which was to be composed by Chance Thomas(the man behind a lot of other music in LOTRO). With Helm’s Deep he was not invited to compose again, for whatever reason, Turbine instead electing to have the music created in-house. Having heard a few pieces of the Helm’s Deep soundtrack in the Beta, I can say that while it is less impactful and bombastic than Thomas’ work, it is still a good solid soundtrack in my opinion.

Today Turbine announced that the entire Helm’s Deep soundtrack has been put onto Soundcloud for your perusal. Have a listen and let us know which ones you like, or don’t, in the comments below!

4 thoughts on “Helm’s Deep Original Soundtrack now on Soundcloud”

  1. I am greatly disappointed by this soundtrack as it doesn’t feel like LOTRO in any way. It is mostly just generic fantasy. Also the electronic choir sounds appalling in most places. That being said, 23 is a great song.

  2. I only listened to a few snippets so far, but I have to agree about the e-choir, it sounds terribly thin and bland.
    I wish Turbine would just drop the choir tracks from the whole thing.

    Looks like I will be playing older LOTRO tracks as MP3 along as I explore Western Rohan.

  3. I’m disappointed. Chance Thomas is a great composer. The music for Helm’s Deep doesn’t stir me. And a lot of it seems to be old music from 7 years ago – music we’ve heard over and over again (Ad nauseam). I just hope they get Chance back to re-write it all.

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