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Helm’s Deep Hunter Trapper of Foes: A Deeper Look

This week I started playing around with arguably (with the exception of perhaps the Lore Master pet tree) the trait line that has endured the most changes for the Helm’s Deep expansion: the hunter’s Trapper of Foes line. I’ve never given Trapper of Foes much of a chance, mostly because it was widely seen as boring and ineffective. Boy, was I surprised when I started messing around with the beta version of Trapper of Foes. This trait line has gotten a front-to-back overhaul and now focuses not only on crowd control, but also stuns and damage-over-time. It actually reminds me a bit of how the current Lore Master functions on live servers. Some of the highlights:

Trap and Triple-trap are now skills – no need for consumables

Decoy and Deadly Decoy – throw down a threat-generating scarecrow, and watch it blow up in your enemies’ faces!

Explosive Arrow – damages multiple targets in a selected area with fire

Ranged trapping – don’t feel like luring that dangerous predator over your way? Toss a trap in his direction!

So potent are the slows, stuns, DoT’s and roots that I was able to kill a couple of single mobs easily without even firing an arrow! I’m guessing that the true value of this class will be revealed in situations where most hunters currently struggle: dealing with 3 or more mobs at a time. Check out the video below and let me know what you think of the new, improved trapper line.




7 thoughts on “Helm’s Deep Hunter Trapper of Foes: A Deeper Look”

  1. Awesome, thanks for the video. Even if people end up gravitating back toward their more familiar builds, I do not doubt that players will now at least give the yellow line a shot and see how it plays for themselves first.

    1. I’m actually now thinking that I’ll trait blue and yellow in my 2 free build slots. If I *really* miss red I might buy the 3rd slot but if the price stays at 100 Mithril coins, I’m going to have to miss it an awful lot.

  2. This video demontsrates what appears to be a very potent anti warg moors trait line with longer than 10 second duration bleeds, aoe damage, improved stealth detection with extra survivability mitigations/heals.The only determining factor will be the balance in dps compared to blue and red lines however from this video it appears dps isnt a issue as the traps have a short cd with a fair amount of damage, i cant wait to try this line along with the hunstman line out in the moors.

  3. I’m totally addicted to Trapper of Foes since the update. I’ve found that I can stack enough bleeds to kill just about anything in a hurry. Piercing Trap is especially powerful.

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