Helm’s Deep Burglar: A First Look

Andang searched all about for the best burglar to present the new trait system for their class. unfortunately, they were all too well hidden, so he had to settle for me. Therefore, I present Pinesap, who will guide you through the new trait system for the burglar.

This is of course on the beta server and thus everything is subject to change prior to the release of the expansion.

May your stealth protect you and your dagger never break,

Pineleaf Needles

3 thoughts on “Helm’s Deep Burglar: A First Look”

  1. You make a fine video, Pineleaf. I always get a lot out of them.

    Suggestion for a future video (or a request for a link if it’s already been done) would be an intelligent explanation of game terms and how to choose the ones you want, such as finesse versus crit magnitude versus etc. Stuns vs. dazes vs. mezzes, etc.

    Stuff that’s important but that a lot of folks need increased clarity about.

    I’m asking you to do it because I trust you the most!

    Thanks again!

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