Helm’s Deep Guardian: A First Look

Helm’s Deep Guardian: A First Look post thumbnail image

Here we have the next in the line of class preview videos being created by the LOTRO community. This one is done by LOTROChris, and in it he covers the changes and the trait trees for the Guardian class!


4 thoughts on “Helm’s Deep Guardian: A First Look”

  1. Question. With the changed to lvl 80 bow, are the rest of us going to get it taken away or will the rest of us get to keep it if we already have it? I count on Let it Fly quite often in solo questing, not so much as instances/skirms, those I tank. If so…I’m going to be SOOOOOOO mad.

  2. Jane,
    Maybe you understood it wrong, Let it Fly is granted via class trainer as of lvl 8, not 80! No worries, you will still use it a lot!
    cheers and thanks for the video!

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