LotroComplete App

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Recently a new app for LOTRO was released.  The application allows users to get the latest news from LOTRO, check the forums for updates, view various guides and view all of the 60 maps found in LOTRO.

Those that have followed me for a while know that I am a big fan of maps, both in LOTRO and in real life.  Having all 60 on my phone wherever I go makes this app worth it to me by itself.  Having guides, news and the forums included as well makes this a great app for any LOTRO player.

The app also seems to have approval from the developers on the forums.

“And this is now on my phone. Nice app. I, like others have mentioned, really appreciate the map section. Some of our best art.”


You can download the LotroComplete app on the Apple App Store.

Thanks to the developers of the app who replied quickly and supplied the screenshots in this article.

4 thoughts on “LotroComplete App”

    1. This is a quote from the developer on the forums…
      “I have noticed a lot of people are wanting a android version of the app. I can confirm that there will be on “Soon””

  1. It’s funny. Some analyst released some information a few weeks ago basically stating that Android was the quickest growing technology EVER. Surpassing any of Apples products, windows, and other types of technology not even in the smart phone/tab arena.

    Thanks to Samsung and the popularity of the Galaxy devices, Android has the biggest chunk of mobile devices market share. The last numbers I’ve heard (but not bothered to verify, take it as you will) said that Windows Phone, Black Berry and iPhone combined could not surpass the number of Android devices in the hands of people around the world.

    Yet, people still develop for iOS and either forget about Android or worry about it later.

    And it’s sooooo much easier to develop for Android, on both the coding front and the getting your app approved side too. A friend of mine who created a web app hired an iOS dev to port his software over to iPhone. It was then submitted to the itunes store and it took some 6 months for Apple to approve it and push it to iTunes. During the wait, the app was redesigned from the ground up and put on Google Play for Android in a matter of weeks.

    When it is a personal project, like this LOTRO app most likely is, it’s one thing… you might know how to code for one platform and not the other… but it still makes me laugh because every time I see something that is basically iPhone only, immediately people are always asking where the Android version is.

    Maybe with Consumer Reports recently stating that the Motorola Droid Ultra and Maxx are better than the iPhone5x, developers might finally start to figure it out…

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