LOTRO Store Sales 08/11/13 – 14/11/13










Free Sample of the Week:

Black Dye x1

Use Coupon Code STYLE4 1/Account

Lilikate Says: I only have one problem with the free one black dye. Which of my many items in my wardrobe to use it on 🙂


Store Sales:

1. Virtues 25% Off

395 296

Custom-tailor your character’s strengths based on your play-style or fellowship need by equipping stackable Virtues. Gain increased morale and power, mitigate various damage types, and more!

*Includes Rank 15/16 virtues!


Store Location: Character → Virtues

Levels: 7+

Lilikate Says: A nice sale for all those players with an F2P account. I am sure they could find use for another on sale virtue.


2. Virtue Bundles 25% Off

1400-2500 1050-1875

Custom-tailor your character’s strengths based on your play-style or fellowship need by equipping stackable Virtues. Gain increased morale and power, mitigate various damage types, and more!

*Includes Rank 15/16 virtues!


Store Location: Character → Virtues

Levels: 30+

Lilikate Says: I must admit to being one of those players who prefers to grind my virtues rather than buying them. However bundle packs bought from the store will save the player a whole heap of time and effort. It’s a “meh” for me today.


3. Trait Slots 25% Off

95-195 71-146

Customize and make your character more powerful by unlocking additional Virtue, Class, Race or Legendary Trait Slots to use with your virtues, traits, and legendary abilities.


Store Location: Character → Character Upgrades → Trait Slots

Levels: Varies

Lilikate Says: Again another great sale item for those with F2P accounts. I think turbine may sell some of these this week.


4. +5 Hope Boost (90 minutes) 25% Off

20-80 15-60

This item gives you +5 to your Hope for 90 minutes. Hope influences players by providing more healing, damage and morale as well as combating the negative effects of Dread.



Store Location: Buffs & Boosts -> Combat -> Hope

Levels: All

Lilikate Says: Nice and handy but I don’t know if I would buy these from the store. Handy as they are I would be more likely to role my own scholar to craft the Hope.


5. Enhanced XP Supply 25% Off

75 56

Increase your enhanced experience supply and battle on! Enhanced XP Supply is displayed as a blue section of your experience bar, and does not have a time-limit. Even stacks with other XP Boosts. Single and 10-stacks available.



Store Location: Buffs & Boosts → Advancement → XP

Levels: 7+

Lilikate Says: We need more XP?


Also: Marauder Set, Steed of the Champion, and Steed of Nightwood.

Lilikate Says: I like the tack on this Pony. I will take a look at some screenshots. I much prefer the more delicate and artistic offerings than the clumpy blankets on my Ponies.

Other Store News:

Limited Time: Buried Treasure Event ( Nov. 7th – 10th)


Last Chance! 100% XP In-game Boost (Now – Nov. 17th)



This week I have again removed the none of the above option 🙂 If you would like to suggest a future sale please leave a note in the comments section. I just want to know which of the given options you would prefer, if you had to choose one of the bunch.

Have you transferred a character to another server?

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1 thought on “LOTRO Store Sales 08/11/13 – 14/11/13”

  1. I am dreading that they put on sale the Areas after Moria: (Lothlórien, Mirkwood, Enedwaith & Dunland) I need them all but it will mean putting down my Captain and start grinding out TP with some of my alts…
    Moria is just too much fun! In fact I would buy MORIA the MMO (LOTRO is just a bit of RP fluff they attached to it…)

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