Travel to Ered Luin to help explore an active dig site near Gondamon! Follow the tutorial quests to get on your way. Once you learn how to use your Treasure Hunter’s Pick, jump into the fray in order to find treasures and rewards, buried just beneath your feet.
Act quickly and dig as much as you can for the event only lasts a few short days!
The event runs from November 7th through November 10tth! Good Luck!
LOTRO: “Hey buddy, want to dig for some buried treasure?”
Me: “Sorry, can’t. Between work, chores, spending time with the family, and leveling up for Helm’s Deep, I’m stretched pretty thin. Also I’m participating in NaNoWriMo. Besides, I’ve already done this event like 3 times. You understand.”
LOTRO: “Do all your alts have goats and cave-claw ponies?”
Me: “No, but…”
LOTRO: “Aw, Comeon. The first 10 picks are free.”
Me: “Well, maybe just for a minute…”
Yep! that about sums this up…
Actually that’s one of my favourite events, our landroval toons don’t have the emotes and goat yet so it’ll be a lot of digging on saturday i think.
man… I think my toon is currently the only one on Landy with the 1000 token barter goat, I guess I’ll have to share the uniqueness after this week. lol.